Seen on the Internetz: Pistols & Optimizing vs. Satisficing

lee n. field

New member
I stumbled across an article the other day, that articulates well the problems I percieve with the way most "what gun do I get?" and "what gun/'platform'/cartridge is best?" gun forum discussions go.

Pistols & Optimizing vs. Satisficing

Probably more ink gets spilled, and more pixels get launched onto LED screens, on the subject of is-this-pistol-better-than-that-one, than on any other subject in the gun world. There are many approaches to the question of which-handgun-is-best, and it’s a mug’s question, because at some point you have to decide: best for what? What’s best for a hideout pistol is not what’s best for a cop’s service pistol, and in turn a military service pistol might demand a whole different approach.

We’re going to suggest a radically different approach:

It doesn’t matter.

For most people, the question to answer is not which pistol, but a pistol.

And he goes on from there.
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I think he misses a big part of this hobby...the fun of finding exactly the right gun...( weight, width, balance, trigger system, etc )....that will best meet your needs ( and fits your hands just right ) to shoot your best tactically !

Sure a lot of guys bounce around like pin-balls...between guns / some of us learned over time what suits us best / more guys should rent more guns before they buy.....----but having fun with the process is a big part of it.

Most any gun, or hammer, or screwdriver ..or car, or whatever...will work...but that's not fun ! ...:cool:
I had to look up the meaning of "satisficing." I guessed right from the context, but wanted to be sure. It's a lousy day when you don't learn something.