Seen in the 15 Sept. issue of Gun Week


New member
Re House Democrats seek less-rigid Washington, DC, gun regulation, the article quotes Pittsburgh area congressman Jason Atmire as having noted "at least, we as people can go back home and talk about what we did on the issue", which leaves the writer wondering re exactly what Rep. Atmire and his like minded congress members actually did respecting the government of Washington, D.C. essentially sticking it's thumb in the eye of the USSC, which btw, doesn't even begin to discuss what DC government did to the constitutional rights of American Citizens resident in that jurisdiction, sometimes known as "a federal enclave".

Earlier, Rep, Altmire declined to sign a discharge petition, presumably based on the "promises of House leadership" for floor consideration of a legislative proposal that would address D.C.'s "emergency regulations". One wonders, given the anti gun orientation of the said House leadership, as to the value or worth of such promises as might have been offered, respecting the likelhood that such promises turn out to be nothing more than a stalling tactic.
Possibly I'm an evil minded old man, however I personally do not have much trust for the likes of House Speaker Pelosi, or for the lady herself.