Seems kind of early for this but it has been warm.....


New member
Louann and I were out riding the roads yesterday afternoon and noted a couple of sets of single turkey tracks going for long walks right down the road. Usually we see a lot of this in mid to late February and on into the season but it may be that the toms are starting to wander about some.

Also drove up on 3 small groups ( 5-6 ) of hens out in the road pulling at new shoots.

Man.........if we had half the toms as we've got hens!!!!

I've not seen any gobblers roaming, but am seeing gobblers in the same general vicinity of hens. As near as I can tell, they are still flocked up and in their winter patterns.

One of my tactics when their not gobbling, is to set up on those roads that gobblers like to stroll.
I saw about a dozen or so of them when my buddy and I where taking down the deer blinds on closing day, FREEZING cold with bad wind that day too. And I just saw 8-10 more last week heading though southern Indiana coming back from a trip to Kentucky. Several more dozen seen in between those times in the Spencer and Edinburgh areas.