Seeking a product with lube and superior Preservative properties..

Lost faith in Seal One.

This "gel" became a runny liquid in the car last summer....
* but never "Re-gelled" when shaken and stored in a cool room since then.

Let's exclude cleaning (I don't shoot that many rounds)---so that I can evaluate which products (i.e. Ballistol etc) offer both a decent lube, but also good Long-term preservation.

A friend claims that Breakfree CLP offers minimal Long-term anti-corrosion.

Do a search on lubes on some of the gun sites. There was a guy who tested a bunch of lubes a few years ago.
that said, I use Weapon Shield mostly, but have been experimenting with Hornady's Dry Lube spray on a couple of my semi autos. So far it works well for me. I remember that the Hornady product had very high ratings in both lubricity and rust prevention. Down side is that it is a little expensive to use a lot. There's a cost/benefit ratio to think about.