seecamp owners

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Mike D

what can you tell me about your seecamp 32's,
good,bad and ugly,how do you carry, what type of pocket holster etc.. will only win. sthp's function or will any of the new 32hp from fedral or speer work? my delier had a unfired sample from an estate that is a newer model ser. # 31k range and i could not resist and sold my naa 32 to a friend and bought the seecanp I have lusted for atleast the last 10 years. is ther any web info on this little gem? as of yet I have not been able to find much. also what happened to the search arcive at the firing line, has been missing from my heading for the last few weeks? currenty it is in a pocket holster from alessi but shifts around due to the smooth leater holster i am going to try an uncle mike soft pocket holster unless you can help with a better alterative.
My Seecamp is a constant companion, in a locally made, rough out pocket holster. Stays right where I want it. My local holster maker will inquire as to the shape of the pocket you are going to carry it in.
I shoot only Silvertips through it, as that is what all the intsructions refer to. No that I would not mind shooting something else, it is just that they are so specific about it. I get my Silvertips in bulk, so not a lot of extra cost is involved.
A friend had one. Beautifully made, very expensive, and reasonably accurate. He fired it a few times, and sold it -- it was brutal. Nothing wrong with the gun, but some folks find them very uncomfortable to shoot.

(This friend is the manager of a gun shop, very knowledgeable about guns, and a long-time reserve police officer. He knows guns and knows what he likes. He sold it for what he paid for it, and said, "good riddance.")

From what I've heard, the new Kel-tec P-32 is probably a better gun: locked breech, capable of shooting .32 +P. And 1/2 to 1/3 the price of the Seecamp.

If you like the Seecamp, and are content with shooting ONLY Silvertip ammo, it may be a good gun for you. But if you can, fire one a few times before you buy.
Never fired a Seacamp but am told they kick! Another dept. rangemaster let me shoot his new Kel-Tec .32 w/Silvertips ~3 weeks ago -- nice gun (6.5 oz unloaded) and was accurate at 10 yds. Made his own holster for front pocket; he carries Glock .357Sig on his waist.
I've carried a 32 for about 3 years on a daily basis and run 15-20 rounds through it on a monthly basis. Hasn't missed a beat to date. I still carry it in a cheap holster I bought right after I got the Seecamp - I think it's a Block. It's adequate but far from perfect. If anybody has had good experience with a holster I would certainly like to hear about it.

As far as actual firing is concerned it's accurate out to the 21' line - never wasted a round trying any futher. I wouldn't want to run 100 through it in an hour but that's not it's designed for. Always used Silvertips 'cause that's the man says.

Would't trade it for two pieces of tupperware!
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