see Californis Sliding down the slippery slope, January 2008 American Rifleman


New member
Re California Sliding Down The Slippery Slope, January 2008 issue of the American Rifleman, and as has been noted there and elsewhere, As California goes, so goes the nation. Possibly, possibly not, though that might seem to be the case, it doesn’t have to be and shouldn’t be, especially respecting the anti gun legislative stupidity, which California seems to be a fountainhead of, the latest examples being A.B.1471 and A.B. 821. There is legislation previously existing, which anti gunners have been trying to push in/onto other states too, not to mention their efforts to foist off Sacramento’s peculiar brand of opium smoke on the rest of the country.

Your elected things, state and federal level need to hear from their constituents re this sort of thing, and remember this, if you do not bother to contact the above mentioned, who do you realistically think might be expected to so do? Whether you are a hunter, a serious competitive shooter or casual pinker, a collector or have chosen to carry a piece for personal protection, your rights, as a law abiding citizen are under attack and those would destroy your rights are not going away any time soon. Freedom isn’t free, and rights need to be protected, all the time, lest you awake one morning, and find to your dismay, that you longer have them.