
James K

Member In Memoriam
I am going to reveal a little secret about your friendly legislators, state or Federal.

Every state has computerized their voter registration lists and some have also computerized the records of who voted in what elections (not how they voted, yet).

When you write your Representative, Senator or state legislator, his or her secretary checks your name against the voter list. If you aren't registered or haven't voted, your masterpiece of letter writing goes straight into the can.

Why should "your" representative care about what you think? You didn't vote for him (or her) and you won't vote against him no matter what he does, because you don't vote.

We are going to lose our guns, not because of what we or anyone does but because the gun control people know that we blather endlessly about the Second Amendment, but we don't care enough about our country to vote.

No - I am not going to loose my guns... I care... too much... If guns get outlawed - then I will be an outlaw as well - my guns will be well hidden... safe... untill needed. Then Hidden again.

Every time I call and/or write I make it easy for the secretary. I always automatically give my voters registration number without being asked or them having to go to the trouble to look it up. And yes I vote every time the polls are open.
However all to often our votes (voices) are ignored by our elected officials. They feel compelled to make those difficult decisions from us, all in the interest of our own good and protection. So there for I'll also continue to plan my "hide-a-way" and hope that it is never needed.

This definitely is a problem. Let me digress about a similar situation that ha nothing to do with firearms...

I work in the pesticide industry, we have the same problems as the firearms industry. Legislation is constantly being proposed to restrict us and the Legal Mafia is considering the same types of lawsuits they are aiming at guns.

When I recently discussed this with one of the leaders in our local industry. He provided me with some interesting numbers that he had obtained from the local board of elections.

In our local professional organization 60% of the members were not registered to vote (But they all complained loudly at a recent spate of proposed legislation when we had a legislative day) Of the 40% who are registered to vote less than half had voted in the last major election.

I suspect that he numbers are similar among gun owners.

The left gets their people out to vote and we don't.

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited May 01, 1999).]
Jim, they don't need to know how you voted, they can figure it out without too much difficulty.
People don't realize how much information they reveal about themselves just through ordinary, everyday transactions. Records are kept and these records can be accessed and interpreted by all sorts of people.
Credit card purchases, magazine subscriptions, charitable donations, etc. can be used to develop a profile of you that can be frightenly accurate.
Years ago, I was involved with a local non-profit, charitable organization that needed to do some fund raising. I was assigned to look into a direct mail solicitation program. There are companies that will do this for you. They will prepare, print and mail the appeal (for a fee) and all you have to do is process the donations as they come in.
When I met the representative of the company we eventually went with, he was able to predict, based on data at his disposal, the amount of money we would make, the size of the average donation and the approximate size of our repeat donor base. At the end of the year long program he was right on every prediction. Total funds raised during this program were within $100 of his projection.
I was amazed. This was all done by collecting and interpreting seemingly innocuous information that was readily available to develop a predictable profile of our community.
So our legislators not only know if we vote, but they can probably guess how as well.
Jim Keenan, for your information, yes, I vote. I vote in every election that comes around. I also make sure my friends and associates vote as well. I have given time off from work for employees who want to vote.

Politics revolt me... but as a citizen, and I use the Heinlen model of citezenship, I do my duty and cast my ballot.
