Seems to me you are looking for a backup to a long gun...
... but also a sidearm that will be a solo piece for hiking.
While I like my LCR well enough, I wouldn't recommend a snubby .38 if you think you may employ it against 4-legged threats. It's just fine for the 2-legged variety.
Then again, hiking may involve some longer range shots, so I don't know if I'd really prefer a snubby in an outdoors milieu.
My two choices for hiking, assuming I'm wearing clothing that will conceal them, are a 4" GP100 with 180gr hard cast, or a 4" S&W 29 Mountain Gun with 255gr HC Keith loads, depending on the size of the local 4-legged types.
If it's really hot, so concealment clothing isn't really viable, then I have been known to carry an SP101 with 158gr.