Second annual Badlands Regional IDPA match.


New member
Got back from attending the second annual Badlands Regional IDPA match. Had a good time which would have been better if my shooting had been better. The bright side is that the gun, mags, and ammo all functioned without a hitch.

Out of the nine shooters in SSP/SS I placed fifth or sixth. That is what happens when you shoot a nonthreat and have a procedural. And I am still getting used to the Glock. Have I sniviled enough yet?

The eldest son took first place in SSP/EX. So we didn't go back to OKC empty handed.

The weather was a little cool Saturday morning for my tastes but the rest of the time it was great..

The Texas boys came and upped the skill level somewhat. And Mike Brown of Tulsa took first place overall, of course. The thing is he makes it look so easy. The H&K guys did real fine as usual. I would suggest that you consider it for next year no matter where you call home.
Thanks Bill! It was a fun match and aside from my no-shoot (same one Dad hit), I really didn't have any major screw-ups. Just shot a little slow on a few stages and had one minor gun glitch. Also, this match had more moving, running, and dragging than any match I've ever been to. Several people in our squad repeatedly told us that certain stages were not "fat friendly" or "old friendly." Dad keeps telling me I'll have to worry about one or both of those in the future. We'll see!?

We will be going to Nationals assuming our entries get there in time.

For those who are interested, the scores are posted here: