Second Amendment petition


New member
Please check this out:

Its a petition to the SCOTUS to hear the Heller vs DC case - the Solicitor General (Bush's boy) recommended sending it back down to the lower courts!

This case needs to be heard! Please sign.

I just did - over 4,300 so far.

Thanks and please pass this link around!

The SCOTUS agreed to hear the case back in NOVEMBER! :eek:

This petition is even more useless (Internet petitions are all completely useless) than it was before they granted Cert.

Amici briefs have been filed and Orals should be starting up in the next couple months.

BTW, sending it back down to the lower courts would not necessarily have been a bad thing.
Internet Petitions are waste of effort

Over and over its been stated, proven and just plain show that an Internet petition for anything is a waste of time. The have no credibility because they have no proof of who actually generated the petitioners. Almost any HS kid could put an email into a continual loop and generate millions of fictitious signers of the petition.

If you want to effectively lobby for RKBA you need to sit down write an articulate letter to all the congressional delegates in your state. Put each letter in a correctly addressed envelope. Put a stamp on the envelope and mail it. Emails just do not get the responses of attention your hoping for.