Second Amendment Freedom Rally in CHICAGO!

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus

(I'm looking for a charter bus going to Chicago that day from Springfield. If I don't find one, I'll look into chartering one myself. The cost per person shouldn't be bad, but if you have any interest in riding along let me know ASAP.)

If you're from Illinois, and you're even curious about gun rights or concealed carry--even if you're pretty sure you're against the idea--you owe it to yourself to get to Chicago on July 11th. We had somewhere between 2000-2700 in Springfield for IGOLD this year, and it was damn impressive. We need more than that in Chicago. If you live north of I-80 in Illinois and you're tired of having your rights trampled, this is a no-brainer. If you're from "down here" in the rest of the state, understand that Chicago is the political and economic center of this state. There are twice as many voters in the Chicago area as there are in the rest of the state combined! That means we need Chicago. We CANNOT afford to concede Chicago to the anti-liberty bunch anymore. Come join us and make history.

I know for certain my whole clan will be there, from mom and dad to the twins to little baby Sean (or, as we call him, Bam-Bam.)
Oh, Suzanna Hupp will be there. That's awesome. I can't go, but it's nice to see such a rally in Chicago. Now if we can start one up in DC....

Will this be a rally for the choir (no offense intended) or one that reaches out to a city that basically has very little in the way of gun rights?

Sometimes I forget that messaging with people on TFL is not the real world. Most people I know don't even think much about 2A (economy, gas, Iraq, mortgages, etc).
If more lead time were to be given I (and others IMHO ) would be more likely to be able to make it.

I appreciate the orginazation and effort, (IGOLD this year was GREAT:cool:) and am glad that the fight is being taken to Chi (Let's see if the media ignore us again)

I will try but I cannot afford to lose my job.(Which will happen if I call in sick and am seen at a gun rally.:mad:)

Bump for the link to the official website:

Sorry guys, I lost track of this thread somehow in the press. We will be meeting in front of the James R. Thompson Center at 100 W. Randolph St.--right at the corner of Clark and Randolph. It's only a few blocks from Union Station, so Amtrak and Metra trains are probably your best bet to get there. My family and I will be driving in, but we're going to park at the Field Museum early in the morning, walk over, and then walk back to enjoy the museum when the rally cleanup is over.

If you can help out as a marshal, I can give you a free hat and possibly chocolate-chip cookies. Shoot me an email at if you want to help.

I certainly understand that more lead time would have been great, but it's really pretty remarkable how quickly this was put together. ISRA wanted to capitalize on the timing of the Heller decision to strike while the iron was hot, and the event wasn't even conceived until right around the time of IGOLD (which was in mid-March.)
We had to keep the thing under wraps because we didn't want to announce it and then have a permit fail to come through or an insurance payment not be accepted--not that such a thing could happen in Chicago. It's my impression that Da Mayor's office didn't know the event was in the works until it was announced, and his people don't directly control the Thompson Center because it's state property. Believe me, it was frustrating keeping it under wraps, but it might not have come off at all otherwise.

Oh, and Da Mayor can see the Thompson Center's plaza from his building, so if he's at work on a Friday, he should know we're there. :) The Governor has an office in the Thompson Center itself, but I don't know whether he personally works there--and I doubt he'd be caught dead in an office on a Friday anyway. Most of his department heads are supposed to commute between Chicago and Springfield anyway, so they work three-day weeks and travel on Mondays and Fridays, just like the state legislature.
