Seattle Mayor To Impose Restrictions on Concealed Carry in City


The mayor of Seattle, WA, Greg Nickels, has decided to impose a ban on those with concealed carry permits from carrying their guns at crowded public events, such as festivals.

There was a shooting last month at the Northwest Folklife Festival held in Seattle, that involved a shooter with a concealed carry permit. He fired a single bullet from his pistol, that past through and struck multiple people in the crowd.

The mayor stated that he was "making the city safer from guns":
challenge it now

All it needs is to be challenged... WA has preemption.

The state of Washington hereby fully occupies and preempts the entire field of firearms regulation within the boundaries of the state, including the registration, licensing, possession, purchase, sale, acquisition, transfer, discharge, and transportation of firearms, or any other element relating to firearms or parts thereof, including ammunition and reloader components. Cities, towns, and counties or other municipalities may enact only those laws and ordinances relating to firearms that are specifically authorized by state law, as in RCW 9.41.300, and are consistent with this chapter. Such local ordinances shall have the same penalty as provided for by state law. Local laws and ordinances that are inconsistent with, more restrictive than, or exceed the requirements of state law shall not be enacted and are preempted and repealed, regardless of the nature of the code, charter, or home rule status of such city, town, county, or municipality.
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It really is too bad we cannot simply jail a politician who deliberately breaks the law in order to make a political point.

(Yup, we've got state pre-emption. If Seattle's mayor and his cronies want to change state law, they can spend the political capital to try. But this sort of thing, deliberately urging local politicos to break state law, should result in jail time.)

t really is too bad we cannot simply jail a politician who deliberately breaks the law in order to make a political point.
I hope you really don't think this. States have always challenged the federal gov't on laws and it is an important part of the US political process. Hopefully this Seattle law, like most state challenges, will be shot down by the higher courts, but still a very important part of the process.
I wonder if these politicians get a brownie or a cookie . Every time they come up with a stupid law........................We, the public need to start making laws, That when politicians write stupid laws. We can throw their ass out of office!!!!
that involved a shooter with a concealed carry permit.
I read the linked article and several others, none of which indicated the concealed carry was the shooters and one suggested it was not. Anyone sure it was his CCW. The guy was Schizophrenic and undergoing methadone treatment(I assume for Heroin addiction). Shouldn't have had a CCW in the first place. A story I read indicated he was carrying a "foot long" glock on his ankle. What a joke.
johnwilliamson062 said:
States have always challenged the federal gov't on laws and it is an important part of the US political process. Hopefully this Seattle law, like most state challenges, will be shot down by the higher courts, but still a very important part of the process.
The relationship between the States and the Feds are one thing. The relationship between a State and its cities are quite another. States are not a construct of the Federal Government, whereas cities are, in fact, a construct of the State.

Are you saying that a city, whose whole power is derived and defined by the legislative acts of the State, can pass laws that are contrary to those legislative acts? That this is a "proper" challenge to a States authority?

That is a novel idea.

How about this, for another novel idea: The State Attorney General should sieze the assets of the Mayor and City Council members as being part and parcel of a organized crime syndicate, as evidenced by the conspiracy to unlawfully legislate in an area solely belonging to the State.

What a wonderful opportunity for an AG to make political hay!
wow, must be a magic bullet!

that past through and struck multiple people

You see, it came from the past!:eek:
The antis not only have to worry about exploding cop killer bullets that penetrate armor, they have to worry about the time traveling bullet too!
I'll just be glad when someone finally comes up with a weapon that doesn't affect innocent bystanders.

I don't like the fact he wants restrictions, but you guys have to admit guns aren't the most efficient SD tools. We just haven't come up with a better system yet.
The relationship between the States and the Feds are one thing. The relationship between a State and its cities are quite another. States are not a construct of the Federal Government, whereas cities are, in fact, a construct of the State.
It would be one thing if this was a law enacted by the people, but isn't this just a case of one person enacting an emergency decree? This guy should be removed from office.
He should try banning drug use in Pioneer Square... or isn't that already illegal? I couldn't tell from the last time I walked there.
It would be one thing if this was a law enacted by the people, but isn't this just a case of one person enacting an emergency decree? This guy should be removed from office.

Seattle is full of bleeding-heart liberals who think that their mayor is just wonderful. He is as anti-gun as they come, and his constituents just love him.
Seattle is full of bleeding-heart liberals who think that their mayor is just wonderful. He is as anti-gun as they come, and his constituents just love him.

I'm not. I can't wait until this fathead is out of office. But I'm afraid there will be others to take his place.

Don't you see. Mayor Nichels is trying to create the ultimate Utopia.

Let's see what has happened on his watch.

Banning plastic grocery bags,
Red light cameras
Strip club luminense levels
Banning water bottles
Getting rid of parking garages quotas for new construction (punishing people who drive cars)
Fining people for not mowing their lawns
Demolishing temporary shelters for the homeless

I can't wait for what he comes up with next!!
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Strip club luminense levels

Thank god he took care of that...... I'm sure the city is much safer for his actions.:barf:

It really amazes me how these people try to dictate what is good for society based on their morals. The same thing went on in Ohio but it was to regulated how close your "lap dance" could be.

Is there a recall effort underway for this toad?

Recall? You gotta be kidding. Seattle loves their mayor, why would anyone try to recall him? Rep. Baghdad Jim McDermott is another of Seattle's well-loved politicians. Like I said earlier, Seattle is full of bleeding-heart liberals.