Seattle - dress rehearsal for Y2K?


Staff Alumnus
Just some thoughts about the furor in Seattle.

I've said before, people will ass out for the lamest reasons. "Hey, our team won the Superbowl, let's burn down the city!" "Hey, it's a big concert, let's burn it down and rape a few women!" Etc, ad nauseam.

Now in Seattle, we're seeing a peaceful protest that turned violent. Who threw the first punch, the protesters or the cops? At this point, does it matter? The brawl is on, and it's but a small step from the current state of emergency and curfew to martial law.

Does anyone doubt that Seattle on a national scale is in the cards? In 30 days, will we see riot police using tear gas and rubber bullets (if not lead ones) to disperse people intent on celebrating by destroying their homes?

I don't know who's worse: the idiots who burn, or the other idiots who shoot the first idiots. All I know is that, if it goes down, we -- the reasonable ones -- will be caught in the middle.

Bah humbug.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
And don't forget it's now "illegal" to own a gasmask in Seattle, wonder what THAT'S all about.
I agree Coin, if or when the SHTF we'll be caught in the middle, but I take comfort in knowing that at least we'll be armed! ;)

Happiness is a tight group!
Coinneach, You have your protesters, your cops and THE OTHERS Seems to me that we have quite a group of folks these days that will go into a looting/violence frenzy with any excuse.
If I were in command of the National Guard forces in Seattle I would make it known to the public that looters would be shot on sight.
Then I would issue the order. I agree with peaceful protest, been there done that, looting is a whole other deal to me!
Rant Off
Oh, I think so, definitely, Coinneach.

Talking with friends at the UW (where the march began) today, it seems fairly obvious that the primary instigators of chaos were not the protesters, but bored locals who took the opportunity to set fire to some dumpsters and break windows at Nordstrom's and Niketown.

It is real interesting to note that today the city was pretty calm for one reason: Clinton is in the city. Cops and the NG cracked down hard. Way more people went to jail today than yesterday.

I am becoming more and more convinced that New Year's and some time afterward is going to be total freaking chaos, and it won't have a thing to do with computers.
Telling you people who haven't got a gas mask, get one now-today.

They are cheap. I paid 9.97 for them from

How can you pass up on such a cheap insurance policy?

Plus they are neat to have and come in handy when dumping out the cat box or stripping paint off that old car.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"

[This message has been edited by Jimmie (edited December 01, 1999).]
Remember guys and gals...

Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of [government approved, politically correct] speech, or of the [FCC licensed] press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble [on certain days, with a permit and the approval of all local agencies and special interest groups, but not during visits of dignitaries, and subject to cancellation and declaration of an emergency in the event of lawlessness in the general vicinity regardless of perpetrators affiliation with said protest].

Well now, looks like the way to stop a legal protest is to just hire some local thugs to start some crap in the general area and, presto! Wouldn't take but just a few gung-ho operatives to cause all manner of disturbances if the local mayor needed an excuse to declare an emergency on, let's say, New Year's Eve, what with all those drunken Y2K paranoid fanatics out there raisin' hell!

I'll be celebrating this one at home!

I'll be home too, with my 9mm on my hip and a spare mag. Let's hope for a nice quiet new year's celebration.
Sbryce, I'm hoping for a quiet turnover as well, especially since I don't want to get called in to work... but I'll have one hell of a lot more kinetic energy at my disposal than a couple of mags of 9mm. Not downing your decision, of course. :)

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Sure looks contrived. Yesterday, Clinton comes to town, and 400 protesters get arrested. For what exactly? Defending themselves from an onslaught of teargas canisters, rubber bullets, and pepper spray? All that occurred in my estimation was a wider berth given to the WTO meeting area to ensure Clinton and the rest of the NWO/WTO Globalists met no opposition. Sounds like the birth of a POLICE STATE!

To peacefully protest is another Right being violated. It appears the conferees of WTO have more Rights than the citizens of Seattle. And armed polizei will go to any extent to protect them (the WTO conferees) in this case.

I was surprised not to see protesters wearing gas masks. If they are running from the tear gas alone, one would think that a small amount of preparation could have prevented masses of protesters from trampling one another to get away from the gas. Wearing their inexpensive Isreali gas masks with NATO cannisters, they could have stood firm. Full face motorcycle helmets and thick winter wear with cardboard/plastic inserts would have helped against the rubber bullets.

And who exactly were those guys in the black hoods firing rubber bullets and flash bangs? Local police?
I was surprised not to see protesters wearing gas masks.

Mayor Schell decreed yesterday that sale, ownership, and use of gas masks by non-LEOs is illegal and punishable by a $500 fine. No comment from this corner.

And who exactly were those guys in the black hoods firing rubber bullets and flash bangs? Local police?


"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Looking at the past history makes me wonder what would happen if someone fires a shot, even w/o hiting anyone? Seems to me we have a nice Bloody Sunday in the making...
Driving home today, the James St. (downtown Seattle) freeway exit was blocked off by State Patrol cars. I saw something odd behind them. At first I thought it was those reflective sawhorses piled up, but then I realized:

National Guardsmen in camo riot gear. Two groups of probably 50 apiece, if not more, standing there in tight formation and bearing big old sticks. Apparently they were there to prevent the protesters from marching onto I-5; whatever, I was cold with fear. When I got back to Tacoma I stopped at Bullseye Gun Shop and breathed the air of quasi-freedom.

I'm terrified. And that nice Mossberg 500 is going to get purchased; the line between civilization and chaos has been shown to be only a line and nothing more.
Well, I guess I had better withdraw my order about shooting the looters. I suppose we can't discriminate between who's in the store picking up loot and who is standing on the street with a sign anymore.


And who exactly were those guys in the black hoods firing rubber bullets and flash
bangs? Local police?

The answer to this question might take a while to come out.
Federal Stormtroopers?
The right of the protesters to PEACEFULLY protest has not been violated. As I write this, there are 1000 people protesting in front of the King County (Seattle) jail. They are being left alone because they are not causing a problem to the residents of the city. Earlier today, these peaceful protesters were allowed to march down the streets of Seattle while the State Patrol blocked traffic to allow them their right.

Blocking all traffic, preventing delegates from attending meetings, assaulting delegates and citizens, beating on police cars and transit buses, preventing people from getting to and from work, preventing people from shopping is NOT peaceful protest. It has been estimated that the downtown shop owners have suffered over $7,000,000 in lost business.

I find it ironic that some protesters, and other people, are whining about their 1st Amendment rights while doing their best to prevent others from excercising theirs. Protesters have no right to prevent others whom they disagree with from meeting. That is not freedom, that is called anarchy.

The National Guard was called in to protect the rights and property of the people of Seattle from outside thugs. Before the National Guard was called up, millions of dollars in damages were suffered by business owners from vandals and looters that were mostly bussed in from out of state.

We all have the right to protest, but that right ends when one chooses to violate the rights of others.
Cactus, I'm 100% with you bro.

And who exactly were those guys in the black hoods firing rubber bullets and flash
bangs? Local police? THE
Cactus get's the Post of the Week Award.

No, theres no real award - but a lot of respect

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
Id get to work reguardless of the protestors.

Mikey it sounds like something they might do.

Sbryce I'll be on a hill overlooking the city with a number of cocked and locked weapons as will a number of my friends. I know a rich one who owns the hill with the house over looking the inland empire and surrounding valley.

Hank dont hold it against me, but if all hell breaks loose after the new year I'll be one of those guys with black hood and a dozen magizines, maybe its just a German thing.

Jimmie fun that you mention cat litter my buddy hkg3 cleaned out his litter box while his wife was away [he had to do the women's work] and he wore his gas mask, but said the neighbors looked at him kinda strange.
Yeah, I think that nice little 870HD at B&B guns needs a home. You just can't engage rioters without a suitable riot gun!

You better believe that baby will be riding in my trunk several days after the New Years, you know, just to be on the safe side...