Season goals


New member
How’s it going everyone. So it’s about time for me to start hunting this deer season. What are some of your goals for the up coming season? I’ve got two primary goals: 1. Get a wall hanger with my handgun and 2. Get my girlfriend a wall hanger. Originally I had a third goal to get a gator but I didn’t get selected for a tag this season in SC.
At my age, my main goal is to get out and get back. If I get something, it's just a bonus. Over the years, it seems the less pressure I put on myself, the better I do, and the more I enjoy the hunt.
This year the goals are to teach my son as much as possible about hunting. And see lots of pretty county. Good meat for the table would be nice, but I won't beat myself up if I don't kill something. But my wife might:eek: she learned this past year that elk tastes real good.:D
2020-21 deer season

Very long season here in AL. Archery deer is first and begins 15Oct and will run all season long concurrent with the various muzzleloader and gun seasons thru 10Feb21 I think. Harvest limits best described as very liberal. NOrmally I have a lot of time to hunt,and access to ample property. I am still healthy and can just about do all I've always done, just a bit slower. I am very fortunate.

AL has legalized hunting over bait on pvt. property with correct state issued, purchased permit. I absolutely hate it. Bait is prohibited on state WMA's, and I find myself hunting the state land more as a result. Gun hunts on the WMA's are limited. Bow hunting the WMA's is permitted the entire season.....nearly 4 months.

Been shooting my bow(s) since July. I've finally got my Dad's bow retuned after struggling with it for 2+ yrs. It's dialed in and I look forward to taking it out. I was with him when he bought it 25 years ago. Ne never did kill anything with it. Bought bamaboy his license as a birthday gift just this week. Though we gobbler hunted a bit together this spring, we did not deer hunt together at all last year. I hope to get him to shake free from his big boy job and his recently acquired wife and hunt this fall.

I picked and prepped some dandy new trees during spring gobbler season and look forward to hunting these new spots. I need to get in the woods soon and put a few semi-permanent climbing sticks and stands up, but it's still very hot and hard to get too serious about hanging stands just yet.

Ample .308 ammo loaded. Working the kinks out of a .270 load. Acquired a new bullet for .243 rifles, anxious to see how it performs.

I'm getting the itch , but still bicycling and fishing alot.
Archery deer season starts Oct.1 here & I plain on using my new crossbow to take any deer I can find. I hunt public land so there is not much choice in what I take it's normally a shoot or wait until next season type of thing. I'm not a trophy hunter but I won't hesitate to take a good sized buck, meat is meat the rack is just an extra.
Proving to myself that I can use the crossbow is what I'm after it doesn't matter what I shoot.
I'm also using a new gun this gun season I going to be shooting a AR chambered in 350 Legend. I had been using a AR pistol in .300 blackout but it doesn't have the stopping power I need to hunt public land. Most of my shots are within 100 yds & I have to take the deer down because if it runs over 100 yds another hunter will take a shot at it. It won't matter if I shot it first the other hunter will claim it.
So basically what I trying to do is prove the new equipment & fill the freezer. LOL
As someone posted earlier....get out and then get home. Nebraska allotted doe tags that allow harvesting mulie does where I hunt, so going there with high hopes. Have a pronghorn doe tag and mulie doe tag in Eastern Colorado. We ate the last pound of burger from the Nebraska bucks from last fall. Knowing that someday there will be no more hunts for me just makes for enjoying these seasons all the more.
Would love to take a mature buck with my bow this year. Not as easy as one might think in this heavily hunted area of NY... but I'm going to try.
Last year kind of gave me an idea for this year. I was able to max out my VA tag limit on my FIL's land. Half of it is wooded with a number of cedar thickets and a spring at either end. The non wooded areas are alfalfa fields. We normally see large herds during the summer. This past season I took 5, mostly good size does, and 4 out of 5 were head shots. But over the summer now it looks like I didn't make a dent.

My goal this season is to get 5/5 head shots, and give away 80% of the meat. That's essentially what I did last year, and my deer got a reputation for tasting good. I have folks lined up to process and disperse what I kill and field dress. I'll be honest, it feels good to provide the venison other hunters want!