Searching a suspect, the one that got away

Someone made a "mistake" alright - whoever the the officer was who arrested and cuffed him. Even a simple but proper frisk would have precluded this guy getting in there with such a weapon.

San Bernadino County Sheriffs? Surely those guys know better than this kind of thing.
Guess the SmartCarry holster is pretty darn discreet, huh?

During the San Jose Citizens' Police Academy, one of the frisk techniques they demonstrated was to run one's fingers inside the beltline of a suspect. Looks like that didn't happen here.

At least the suspect was considerate enough to save cash-strapped California the cost of a death-penalty trial.
When I search an arrestee you are gonna be searched aggressively and I will violate your privacy and make sure the only thing you got down there is what the good Lord gave you.

I’ve found dope up inside the “@$$ crack” of several folks I’ve arrested before, a common place to hide it as well as just behind their “sack”.

One dip $h!t had it taped there using scotch tape.

Never found a weapon but I would not put it past them and I was not taking any chances.
Those jailers were extremely lucky this day. Remember that this guy was arrested on charges of attempted murder of a cop. He wasn't just some over-intoxicated kid. You know this guy was thinking about shooting his way out. And from his perspective why not, obviously desperate and not afraid of dying. I'll bet the wives got some good lovin that night, and some training sessions better be planned real soon.