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Search database...

It's not? The max results are limited to a few hundred because mysql fulltext searches can be a real problem otherwise. Otherwise, it should be fully functional.
There's still something wrong with the search engine. Pax contacted me a few days ago to see if I knew anything about it. She can't find her name in any posts using "pax" or "pax*". I tried it with my name as well - no joy. I physically searched and found several example posts which should have been found by the automated searches.

I was going to ask you about it, but when I saw Mike's question, which I thought was based on the same problem, I waited to see what the answer was.

As a test, search for "pax" in this forum (S/Q/T Support, within last month) - no hits. Then search for "tyme". You'll find several hits; among them are posts which contain the word "pax".

(I checked the 3 character limit in the options; it's still in effect.)

BTW, everything is WAD on THR.
These things can take time to fix especially after the outage TFL had. Ive had a few forums in the old day nowhere near the size of this one. Its not easy to fix and reconstruct everything. Even if your coming from backups.
Your usernames are too short. :)
The configuration is fixed, but mysql has to rebuild the index before it'll work. That takes a while, so it's best left until tonight.

Those settings don't apply anymore, since vbulletin now uses mysql fulltext searching rather than the vbulletin search system.

"Those settings don't apply anymore, since vbulletin now uses mysql fulltext searching rather than the vbulletin search system."

Good, that explains why it still wouldn't work when I added "pax" to the search-no-matter-how-short-it-is word list in the options. :)
OK, here's the funny thing I noticed, and it's still happening...

If I type my last name in the quick search window, it returns 182 thread hits for threads where my last name appears somewhere in the thread.

That's well and good, except that IIRC it should be a lot more than that, and several threads that I know should be included in that list are nowhere to be found...
I get nothing

I have tried several times to search for something I know to be out there and all I get is a "Server Not Found" message.
Yep it is still making some mistakes.

As in when you click on 'new posts' it sends you to a page that says they are having problems.

But you can work around it. It will take sometime relax, they are probably working on it as we write...:D

Of course, I buy a new gun and need to check something on it and the search is down, and I will not post 'cause I know it has already been asked! :D
Okay, I'm a nag and you guys are probably working furiously on this behind the scenes, but just in case you aren't, well ... it's still not working properly.

We don't mind the reminders, pax. :)

Justin has been spending A LOT of time just keeping the forums up and running lately. Problems with connections and the database are taking up most of his time. I'm sure this is next on his list.

Just tested it. The search function is definitely, completely broken.

No matter what you type in, you get a "sorry no matches" result. Try it. Type in "gun", search entire posts, any date, any forum, no restrictions at all - sorry, no matches....
It is not working. Mysql fulltext searches are supposed to be nigh on instantaneous. When they were enabled on the backup server, some searches caused huge delays thanks to mysql's table-level locking... so I changed the limit back to 4 characters. That means that any searches with three-letter (or less) words won't work. I haven't had time to investigate why some searches are so slow. I'll switch back to vbulletin's search mechanism until I can sort out what the problem is.