Sean Hannity


New member
Some of you probably Listen to Rush Limbaugh's radio show and if you did probably heard Sean Hannity today. Hannity has a radio program that follows Limbaughs here in NYC.

While Sean is definitely pro RKBA, I was astonished the day the Littelton massacre news broke that he immediately began to defend the Second Amendment on his show.

Even here in the liberal Black Hole of NYC there is hope! He even had a former President of HCI on and debated him effectively.

Even Chris Matthews is defending firearms, and he is no conservative republican.

We ain't dead yet!

Sean has a web site:

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited April 23, 1999).]
you should have heard him on his show tonight. He kicked butt on a rep from New Yorkers against handgun Violence.

He was also very supportive of Larry Pratt (GOA), the other guest. Hannity exposed the numbers that prove more guns = less crime. He blew the anti out of the water when he brought up weak arguments and took every opportunity to try to get the guy to admit that he was really just trying to take away all guns.

They even brought up the fact that The shooting in Pearl, MS had been stopped by a private gun owner.

Larry Pratt did a great job tonight.. I hope that the NRA catches a clue and gets on the TV soon, there are obviously arenas in which they will treated fairly and even with respect.. Now I count Sean Hannity as a great friend of Gun owners who has his own Bully Pulpit.

While on the topic, I am really starting to like The Fox News Channel in general..