scored some more lead today.


New member
Well so far I've only found one tire store in the whole area that will sell me their wheel weights. I went back there today. They remembered me. They said they had some, but two other folks had also been by to get some. So I only got 16 pounds of lead today.

But I came prepared. I brought a bucket with my name and phone number on it for them to use to throw the weights in, and I gave the manager a gift certificate to a local restaurant for keeping the weights for me. :)

Instead of once a month, I'm going to check in every week!

I processed the weights and cast all 16 pounds into bullets tonight.
Good score; I used to have a tire shop that saved WW for me. Now their supplier recycles the used WW. I am now back out in the cold. I guess I'll have to go to the metal recyclers and see what they have. At least I have a few hundred pounds of unsmelted ww sitting behind my reloading shack :)

I still have only one small supplier here... I get maybe 30-40lbs a month... good thing for me that we built a steel backstop on our pistol target to keep lead bullets and reuse em... It has saved me hundreds of lbs since we made it bout year and half ago.