Scored some free 9mm over the weekend,,,


New member
Scored some free 9mm over the weekend,,,
At least it was free to me at this time.

Saturdays are my days to not do anything productive,,,
Usually I watch a few movies and putter around my house.

With the current ammo shortage going on I decided to let my OCD out to play,,,
I spent a happy couple of hours counting my existing ammo stock,,,
I knew I was in good shape but didn't know exact numbers

Just a few months ago I received a decent cash windfall,,,
I spent almost every penny on ammunition.

I bought 1K of 9mm, 500 of .380 ACP, 500 of .32 ACP, 250 of .25 ACP and 100 of 8mm Mauser,,,
I wasn't anywhere near being out of stock with those cartridges,,,
It was just me getting a surprise $500+ and using it wisely.

Anyways, there I was, dragging all of my plastic storage bins out,,,
When I notice one smaller bin pushed way back under a chair,,,
I didn't immediately recognize it but drug it out as well.

Imagine my surprise when i opened the heavy bin,,,
And found 1,200 rounds of Federal aluminum cased 9mm FMJ. :D

I had to put my mind into the Way-back Machine to remember purchasing it,,,
But I eventually recalled buying it from Wal Mart during the start of the Obama shortage.

My closest guess is that the ammo has been sitting forgotten under that big chair since early 2009.

I had gone in there early one Saturday just as they were putting a case of it out,,,
It was priced at $9.95 per box so I went ahead and bought 25 boxes,,,
I also remember shooting one box at the range the next day.

I knew that I had just under 2K rounds of 9mm stocked up,,,
Now I have an additional 1,200 rounds of range fodder.

Since I shoot mostly .22 LR when I go shooting,,,
I figure I can get 24 range trips with it.

That's about my average ammo usage,,,
200 to 250 rounds of .22 LR,,,
25 to 50 rounds of 9mm.

At the very least this is one more season of 9mm plinking.

I felt like a kid who finds that one hidden under the tree gift,,,
a couple of days after Christmas morning.


This makes me want to go on an Easter egg hunt. Lol. What do I have hidden around the house that I’ve forgotten about?

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I just had much the same thing happen to me with regard to .22 LR ammunition. I was poking around my workshop area in the basement, looking for something (not .22 ammo). I moved a box, and found three bricks of .22 LR -- all different brands -- that I don't even remember acquiring.

And then I found two bricks of some really strange, European .22 Shorts that I remember buying, and which I haven't seen since I bought them. I would love to use the shorts for plinking in the back yard with a Ruger Single Six, but my town has an ordinance prohibiting the discharge of firearms anywhere in town, so that's not possble.