score one for the home owner...crook 0..


New member
this came off of another list I belong to...

Full article at:

Armed Resident Kills Burglar; No Charges Planned
Staff Writer

A burglar with a lengthy arrest record broke into the wrong home
Tuesday morning and was shot and killed.

Chattanooga police report that Maurice Chevalier Dozier, 42, pried open
a side window at 4715 B Pawnee Trail and hoisted himself onto the sill
at about 1:30 a.m. As he clambered through the window, resident Dario
Adams shot him once in the side with a 12-gauge shotgun.

The blast knocked Mr. Dozier out of the window. Paramedics found him in
the yard minutes later. He died within a few hours at Erlanger Medical

There will be no charges in connection with the shooting, detectives

....does anyone doubt this wont be played up like it should be....fubsy.
I wish the news media would also stress that a home invasion (breaking in when the home is occupied) is not just a simple burglery! This was NOT just a case of theft.

My prayers go out to the man who had to do the shooting...

I really doubt that it will be mentioned on any news....they can't twist it into some sort of evil gun/irresponsible owner killing a kid.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Pity is that the only place you might see it again is the Armed Citizen column in The National Rifleman or some other pro gun publication. Or in forums like these!

Best to all, Hank
DC, you are correct, there will be little or no major news reports on this incident, the doughnut shop shooting. Just as there was little or no reporting of the fastfood restaurant shooting where a customer shot it out with the bad guy and won as the bg was herding the rest of the customers and help into a back room. Good guys winning are not news, bad guys doing a evil deed is news as it helps push an agenda.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Jim--do you have any links you could provide concerning the fastfood restaurant shootout? I'd be interested in reading about that.
No, I do not have any links. I remember reading about it in several of the gun mags and at at least one web site. If I remember correctly, it happened in one of the southern states, maybe Georgia.

There was the same type of event in California, a private investigator, with a ccw, who was/is a amateur screen writer was sitting in a coffee shop working on a screen play when a robber or two walked in. He drew his pistol and won the shoot out. Not much on the national news on that one either. Maybe DC or some of the others from California can comment on that incident.

There was a web site, "First Hand Accounts of Armed Self Defense", that may have contained both these incidents. I have tried several times to get in the site but have received a "404 access denied or file does not exist" message.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited August 02, 1999).]
Re: the media's reluctance to take notice when a citizen offs a BG: I put myself in the citizen's place and ask myself if I would WANT the media to make much of my action (even tho it might give heart to the good, and discourage the ungodly.) My own feeling is NO. I have no desire to advertise that I have had to kill someone. Has anyone seen the TV coverage of the watchmaker who survived three or four shoot-outs in his store, by stashing guns everywhere within reach? It's been on TV a number of times. You had to admire his courage and marksmanship, but at the same time I wondered why he was so willing to have his name and picture broadcast, and I felt a bit put-off by it. slabsides

An armed man is a citizen; an unarmed man is a subject; a disarmed man is a slave.
I see your point, however consider this...

The media doesn't ask permission from victims. If your local media wanted to air/write about you stopping a home invasion, they would do it, regardless of your thoughts.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Slabsides, I can't agree with you more about keping a low profile after an incident like this. I have often thought about what I would do in the aftermath of a shooting. I allready told my wife that God forbid if this happened, if I was allowed, we would get away for awhile even if it was up in the mountains for a little while. I think the last thing one should do is bring more attention to an allready bad situation.