Scoping Up a K98?

Dr. Mauser

New member
I have several K98s, and none of them have been peened, but I would like to put a scope on one. So my question is, should I buy a peened K98 and just put a scope on that so I'm not drilling into a piece of history, or should I buy an M48 instead? Ideas?
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At one time, it was hard to get one piece mounts for the M48 as the receiver is shorter than the standard model 1898, but I think that has been remedied.

It is your choice, but I would not drill a good K.98k, simply because they are too valuable, nice ones (pre or early war) going for $1200 and up. Remember Keenan's definition of "Sporterizing" - Taking a $2000 gun, making a $200 gun out of it, and paying $800 to do so. Not good economics.

There are scout scopes and mounts that replace the leaf rear site. This allows a scope with no permanent modification. Remove it, replace leaf and it is restored, no harm done, no money lost

Drilling and tapping a K98k is not all one needs to do.
The bolt handle must be bent further so yes, buy a peened one that has a good bore if you must or knowingly devalue by huge amounts a good gun.

It is your property and you have every right to lose as much money as you want.
You could just take a few hundred dollar bills and burn them. That may satisfy the desire to lose money, LOL

I did convert three Yugo 24-47 to regular scope mounted guns.
They are easier to do because the straight bolt handle can be bent correctly rather than cutting and welding a M48 bolt as the curve is not easy to get to clear the scope even when bent further.
Also, many M48 have shot out bores being they saw regular service while 24/47s were rebuilt M24s, rebarrled, stored in reserve and then sold as surplus so they usually have like new bores.
I bought 10 and everyone had a new bore and shot great.

Just the hassle of hearing people whine every time you pull out a scoped K98k would be worth avoiding that.

Ok, this has been bugging me so I've got to say something. I keep seeing the same question over and over again: "I really want to drill/tap/scope X, but I don't want to destroy its value." Then a bunch of purist collectors chime in and yell "No! That'll turn it into worthless junk!"

So how bout this as an answer. Keep the good one you have in original condition. Buy a beater that's functional but "damaged goods" in terms of collectability and mount whatever you want to it.

I'm not talking about a piece of junk, but something mechanically sound that happens to already be drilled, or has dings and chunks in the stock, or has its markings peened, etc.

Wanting to leave a nice gun all-original is one thing. Anybody who barks at you for making a shooter out of a tarnished rifle is being unreasonable.

I'm a purist but not unreasonable ... your suggestion is exactly what most of us guys tell people to do. There are plenty of already sportered and D&T'd guns out there, rather than adding another one to the pile just buy one already done and that way you're not decreasing value of a good collector piece.

Best, Tiki.
Just seems like people only get as far as the "don't touch it!" part and leave out the part about having fun with a rifle that's lost its collector value.

So much animosity toward guns that are sporterized as opposed to the action of sporterizing a good rifle. I'd love to grab a $75 Mosin down the road and see just how good of a shooter it could become with modern glass, but I'm sure I'd get nothing but scornful stares for "sporterizing" even though they never had anything worth preserving as "original".
If you are content with the 8mm, or if you want to rebarrel to a shorter round, such as .308 or 7mm-08, those intermediate length Yugos are perfect starting points for a custom rifle.

Mine has been totally transformed and has shot a one-hole group from the bench at 100 yards.

As for the K98, it may be a piece of history and it may not.

Unless it was in pristine condition with all the numbers matching, cleaning rod in place, wood in good shape, etc. - or had some kind of special markings - I wouldn't hesitate to drill and tap it, along with rebarrelling or rechambering.

I like the .280 and am also a big fan of the 8mm-06 wildcat round.