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Ok I'm relatively new to this whole owning gun thing, and never really need a scope, but I got a good deal on a 10/22 with a scope. the guys said something about boresighting? or boresetting? what does it mean and how do I do it?

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Boresighting is putting the rifle on sandbags or in a rifle vise, looking through the bore (the long piece of air around which the barrel is formed - he, he...just joking) and aligning the bore to a target, then adjusting the scope to the same approximate point. It's used to get the scope "close" to zero before you start shooting.

Having said that, you can't do it with a 10/22 because you can't look through the bore without taking the barrel off. You could use a collimator but its not necessary.

Just start out at 25 yards with a big piece of paper or cardboard to put your target on. Line the scope up on center and fire a shot. Put the scope back on center with rifle firmly bedded on sandbags or in a rifle vise and move the crosshairs to the bullet hole. Fire one more shot to confirm the correct adjustment and you have the scope "roughed-in" at close range assuring that the bullets should at least be close to center at longer range. Proceed to sight in at the desired distance.

With practice, and a good rifle/scope, you can sight-in with about eight rounds this way.

see thats all I thought I had to do. then then guy went and used big words on me and confused me. thanks
I've seen laser bore sight kits in the Brownells catalog. You stick a small laser pen in the chamber/barrel (it is attached to a power supply via a wire) and turn it on. Then set the scope to the red dot.

I'm planning on getting one. I have a flat top AR, and I swap between iron sights and the scope every shoot.
how does this laser thing work?
cou;dn't you get couple mirror and a laser pointer? shoot the laser pointer through the bore, bounce it off the mirrors in to the scope, if it comes out the middle, of the scope is good if not fix it?

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Set your rifle on sandbags or a steady rest inside the house or someplace dark enough to see the laser. As you're a University Man, make sure mom or that cute live-in coed don't go nuts. Preferable distance is 25 yards. Insert the laser bore sighter into the gun. Peer through the scope and adjust such that the crosshairs meet near the laser dot. One word of caution, this will only get you on paper. Unlike a bullet in flight, a laser beam is flat and not subject to gravity.

Mikey's advice is on the dot. Print at close range first and once you know where the rifle is shooting, then gradually increase the distance. Nothing is more frustrating than to have a precision rifle, with a scope which rivals it in cost, rings and base which cost more than a case of ammo, only to find that you're not printing at 100! Start close, print and move out. Just like Mikey advised.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Printing is my Kalifornia slang which crept out into the World Wide Web. Bullets punch through paper in the normal world as opposed to printing like a lead type (see, with all these granola bars, we're friendlier and nicer out here in Kali-land). Should have said where the bullets were going. Any other questions about my funny speak? :)

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt