scope level question


New member
I'm going to install my Vortex Strike Eagle and was wondering, do I really need to buy one of these high priced scope levels, or will any cheap level from the hardware store do? Scope levels seem to be in a wide price range - some as low as $20 and others well over $100.
Cheap works.!!!

do I really need to buy one of these high priced scope levels, or will any cheap level from the hardware store do?
By my measure, you do not and as you stated most store levels will work just fine. Keep in mind that this reply is coming from a "Deplorable" and I like to keep is simple and inexpensive. A friend of mine tried to sell me on a high end gear and after all was compared, my method was "slightly" better easier to set up and material wise, cost a lot less. ..... :)

Most folks forget that they are not leveling the scope to a level but leveling the reticles to the earth. I always use a Plum-Line on a side wall as well as two small levels. There is a video on YouTube by a Marine that really explains it well. ...... :p

I went into YouTube and although, I did not locate the one mentioned above, I did find this one that reflects what I posted. Notice that at one point, he mentions about leveling the scope and quickly corrects himself and says': Reticles ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!
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You're aligning the scope's line of sight vertical plane to be horizontally parallel to the line of fire at any elevation setting.
I didn't even know that they made such a thing as "high priced scope levels." Silly me! I must track down those dozen or so scopes that I've installed and re-install them.
This depends also on what you consider “high priced scope levels”. Not mocking you whatsoever, but there is a set by Weaver, its two pieces, one has magnets on it that click onto your receiver rails with bolt removed. (Safety first, yo). Then the other one sits on top of either your elevation adjustment cap or the adjustment screw, whichever one it rests flatter on.

This way you can get it level right to the receiver. I have had great luck with this system.

There are those that are embedded in the stock, which are great, but would hardly use them, and you’d still need to procure a second level for your actual scope. They can be pricey.

Then the middle ground are those ones that clamp onto your scope like a third ring.

But in the end, I’d do like stated above. Get some hardware store specials and be done with it. Level is level is level.
I try and level the gun/action as best I can to have a "good" starting point to level the CH's on the scope. The big box stores have various sizes of levels that can aid in getting the action level, most are not very expensive. I also use a plumb bob made of pink carpenters string and a heavy object (nut or bolt) at 50 yds to help fine tune the final position.