Scope Help


Hi from Dogpatch.
Today I was shooting my Ruger 77, 22-250, trying out different powders . The gun has a Miller 6-18 x 40 scope, # 3431. The first group of 5 was nice, first shot of the second string, bingo ! it was like looking through a dense fog. I could still see the target @ 100 yds. but not clearly.
I continued to shoot, 3rd shot and the fog disappeared, 4th shot it was back and so it continued. Also my groups went to hell, several inches. Mostly the fog stayed, occasionally disappearing.
Came home and removed the scope, looked OK, I banged it against my hand and the workbench, pretty hard, still looked good.
Any clues as to what is happening. I don't remember buying the scope, maybe came with the rifle. In any event I don't think it' expensive (China).
Should I just toss it, suggestions for a new one, I just shoot at 100 & occasionally 200 yds. plinking.
Thanks in advance for listening.

Doesn't matter how accurate your gun is if your scope is off.

What price range are you looking at for your new scope? Sounds like you're looking at a low power variable scope, maybe a 2x8 or 3x9 power scope.

best wishes- oldandslow
I'd guess steaming up the eyepiece somehow. The "dense fog" description doesn't match any internal optical problem if it comes & goes like that.