Scope ARD


Does anyone have any experience using pantyhose as Anti Reflective Devices? I am going to be using it on my varmint rifle and am worried about it ripping on brush or something. I know I can buy ARD's for cheap, but just wanting to know if I can save a few bucks and make my own
Have not used that, but I would think it would not hold up based off of how many times women in life have ruined a brand new pair just putting the silly things on. I use an OD green spider mesh; you could also use window screening. Also you could use a Butler Creek cover remove the actual cover slip it over the objective lenses and the use duct tape and create a small rectangular slit.
Yes I've used Knee Highs as an ARD.

They can snag in thorny brush but its insanely compact so you just carry spares in a pocket. Hold them in place with a rubber band & replacement takes just a second or two. Minor snags you won't even notice looking through it, major ones will improve the image quality.

I discontinued all ARDs of any type because of the diffusion they produce degraded the scope image too much for my comfort. The spread the shadows into the highlights as well a really (to me) obnoxious optical defect. They seem to be the fastest way to turn a $500.00 Optic into a $25 POS.