Scope and mount for AR-15


New member
I am looking for a scope for my Bushmaster Dissipator. It is not a flat top, it has the regular carrying handle. The Bushmaster is set aside for "fun" use. No serious compitition or anything, it is however my "social problem" rifle in case of any Mad Max type scenarios.
I'm looking for a scope that is rugged, and preferebly around $200. Scopes are the gun thing that I am most ignorant about so any ideas that you provide is appreciated.
I also want a mount that will allow me to retain the use of my iron sights for emergency use. But I've seen a lot of these in catalogs and such, so I'm not to worried about the mount.

Larry Correia
The Colt 3x20 or 4x20 scope would be what you are looking for in that price range. Compact and rugged and the integral mount is a see through.
for a scope mount go with the best avaible ARMS Scope Mount's (approx $70.00) and whatever you do stay away from Colt's scopes. We had both the 3x20 and 4X20's on M16's and they would not hold a zero worth a crap.

The best thing you can do for a scope is get one from a top scope manfacturer and then train with it. If you get a Top quality scpoe though you will pay more than a cheap tasco or simmons.

We trashed the idea of scoping our AR15 A2 as the 3x9 Simmons scope would not hold a zero and I got tired of wating for them to replace it. I'm just as happy with the AR without the scope as it handles better close in.
Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience with the Colt scopes. My experience has been just the opposite, but then both of mine are pretty old and maybe even made by a different contractor for Colt then the current ones.

I used my 3x20 through an NTC rotation, never had any problems holding zero but then I was just shooting blanks with MILES. Never had any problems with live ammo though either.

i agree that you shouldn't pinch pennies on optics or mounts.
We had 2 of each colt scopes when I worked in the Armory (85-88) and we tried them on many M16's, no matter what we did they just would not hold a zero. Once you got the rifle sighted in and then ran 1-2 mags through on auto and then went back to semi and using the scopes we could not even hit paper at 25 meters.

Sent the scopes off to depo and got replacements, same problems all over again. Who knows it could have been a badly abused batch of scopes or murphy was watching us ;)
Hey, don't laugh, but----

Look, I'm a pretty big proponent of the "You Get What You Pay For" school of thought. Also, though, I don't think it's necessary to pay TOP dollar to get something serviceable.

So, when I got my CAR-15 a couple of years back, I messed with it for a while with iron sights. Then one day I was at Cheaper Than Dirt in Fort Worth, and got to looking at their AR scopes. (Here's the don't laugh part--) I went home with one of their Chinese-made 4x20 scopes, just about a line-for-line knock off of the Colt scope. It cost about forty bucks plus tax, WITH the integral mount.

I took it to the range and sighted it in with 55 gr. loads. It holds zero--I guess I've put maybe 400 rounds thru the carbine with the scope aboard. It seems pretty rugged. It has held up well, riding in the trunk of my car in a padded canvas case. I don't abuse it, but there is a lot of vibration and bumping around, and it hangs in there. On occasion, it goes into my Trooper and goes over some fairly rough roads.

Best part of all is that the scope is compact--I really can't see hanging an enormous 3-9 variable on what is supposed to be a short, easy to handle weapon. The target crowd says the crosshair reticle is too coarse for fine long range work. Maybe so, maybe no. I can hit a soft drink can at 200 yards with it pretty regularly. I can hit a silhouette at 300 from field positions. I'd like to try longer ranges, but 300 is all I have at my friend's ranch.

Compactness, economy, ruggedness--It meets MY needs.


---The Second Amendment ensures the rest of the Bill of Rights---
Check out J&G Gun Sales. i bought a clone of the Colt 4X20 for 49.95. Works as good, can't tell the diference and it mounts on the handle. You haver to place a screwdriver though the handle to hold it to mount it, though.
Don't overlook the red dot sights either (I should talk since I don't even have one yet).

I've got the rubber armoured Tasco 3x9 mounted on mine. It's really for fun and if I were in the field, I would prefer a smaller, more compact scope like what's been recommended above (Colt Clone). Can't see sinking too much money into it.

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