I too read the George Skelton column (liberal, left wing dufus who always tries to come across as "hard nuts") where he notes Arnold is for "sensible gun controls" and is "definitely against assault weapons." Methinks Arnold has been living with Maria Shriver too long. At last year's Academy Awards pre-game show he and Maria were being interviewed and she chimed in, "He's really not THAT conservative, you know!"
I don't know the extent to which he will cave to the PC crowd, but it's my guess he will cave. Until the newly politically cognizant Hispanic/Latino block can be convinced of the great heritage passed to us in the Second Amendment, the Democrat party will continue to claim their allegiance. Democrat demagoguery, race bating, and fear mongering have had great success in this state. In fact, much of the gun control passed last year was introduced by Latino legislators in a misguided, unconstitutional effort to address "crime." But that's a whole 'nuther story.