Schwarzenegger denies clemency to "Tookie"

Lets see how this turns out. They cried for clemency, now lets see if they throw fits because they did not get their way.
Woe unto the rioters trying to go near my house.;)

Lets see how this turns out. They cried for clemency, now lets see if they throw fits because they did not get their way.
I'd bet my life on it.
Sob fest for Tookie: What a bunch of morons!!

Just one more example of the white man railroading an innocent black man into the death chamber...:barf: :barf: :barf:

The Demosocialist Hollywood stars who are screeching for him to be spared from his rightful punishment say he has "redeemed himself." I say let him walk just as soon as he raises from the dead the people that he murdered.

The Governator showed some stones in his decision to let this thug get what he deserves. His execution will make the world a better place, as there will be one less murdering thug breathing.
..many say he is about to meet God...I have doubts about that ...he has a much better chance of meeting the devil...and a perfect knowledge of his guilt....Tookie , you really put yourself in a big pit...
...the vigilists are contradictory about their requests...they say Tookie should be spared because he has done 'good'...but Tookie should be spared if he is innocent..which he still why are the vigilists saying that he has overcome his crime when Tookie denies his crime?????....sounds like there are 2 doors here...and his so-called good is really a restitution of the evil he propigated in the first place....good deeds are a thing of themselves not the repairing of evil done in the first place...:confused: :confused: :confused: but then the 'left' likes to show they are right by telling lies...why can't they show they are right by telling the truth???:confused: :confused: :confused:
Yeah, one HUGE aspect of the issue, for me, is the fact that THE SONOFABITCH STILL MAINTAINS HE DIDN'T DO THE CRIMES!

If he were truly the reformed murderer they say he is, he'd be saying, "Yes, I murdered them, and I'm sorry, and please look at all the good I've done since then."

Instead, he's saying, "I ain't done it. Now let me live the rest of my life in prison."

Huge point follows:

...Notice, he is NOT asking to be released from prison, just spared the death penalty. If he were truly wrongly convicted of the murders and believed himself innocent, he'd be saying he wants full-on out of prison because he doesn't belong there, period!

Unrepentant murderer is far worse than penitent murderer, and even the latter deserves to die for the crime, so surely does Dookie... er, "Tookie."

the real farce here is that it took almost 25 years for the sentence to be carried out....25 years of the taxpayers money wasted on this wasted human...and the endless waiting of the victim's survivors to see the scales of justice balanced...