School Shooting in Neatherlands, where all guns are banned.


New member
Student Shoots Four at Dutch High


Associated Press Writer

VEGHEL, Netherlands (AP) -- A teen-age
gunman opened fire at a high school in the southern Netherlands today, wounding a
teacher and three other students. Officials said it was the first such rampage in this
country, where gun control is strict.

Armed with a handgun, the 17-year-old
unidentified student fired more than 10 shots
in the school before turning himself in to police outside the regional vocational school in Veghel, about 60
miles south of Amsterdam, said police spokeswoman Gerda Preusting.

The victims were taken to hospitals, where one of the students was in critical condition.
There were unconfirmed reports that the teacher -- a 46-year-old woman -- also may have been seriously injured. Rene Peters, a
spokesman for St. Joseph's Hospital in
Veghel, said two other students were in stable condition and out of danger after surgery.

Authorities said gunfire erupted shortly after
2 p.m. in a hall of the school, De Leijgraaf,
and then in a computer room. Police said
the suspect was upset over a romance and
appeared to be hunting for someone in
particular who was not there.

Students gathered outside the school told
Dutch television there were indications he
was upset over a relationship involving his
sister and another student and may have
been avenging her honor. Police said they
had no further details about a motive.

Other students in the hallway and the
computer room managed to escape
uninjured, the television report said.

``There was panic in the school,'' Preusting said.

School officials ended classes early and sent students home.

Dutch television showed the classroom floor
smeared with blood and cluttered with

School shootings are virtually unheard of in
the Netherlands, where gun control is tight
and weapons are available only on the black
market; Dutch TV quoted authorities as
saying today's shooting was Holland's first.

Preusting said the school had an excellent
reputation, with no significant
problems in
the past. The school's principal told Dutch
radio that a few students had brought knives
to class in the past, but never guns.

The shooting came a day after a 13-year-old
boy opened fire on classmates at a school in
Fort Gibson, Okla., the latest in a
series of
school shootings in the United States.

Tue, 7 Dec 1999 10:40:01 PST Story from AP
Copyright 1999 by The Associated Press (via ClariNet)

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
To my knowledge guns are not banned in the Netherlands. I live in Finland (also a EU member country), and I just mail ordered a semiauto Uzi from a Dutch gunshop. Mail order gun sales for private citizens are totally legal in most of Europe (but require permits).

Please don't mix the British gun ban and Europe in general. In the European Union countries all guns (except airguns) need permits and not everybody gets a permit, but in many European countries even some guns that are banned are legal for permit holders. For example I bought a brand new Sig SG550 semiauto rifle half a year ago, and ordered various new 20 and 30 round mags for it.

Maybe someone from the Netherlands could comment on local gun laws.
