School authorities wanted Parkland Shooter committed in 2016


New member
I've long found it interesting that the gun ban lobby blames US violence rates on our outlier status when comes to the Second Amendment, yet never mentions our well understood relative primacy of the individual when it comes to comparative First, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendment type rights, which also could be curtailed with the same logic. It is never mentioned that if we were like other developed democracies with lower equivalent Fourth, Fifth and sixth amendment rights, we would both be able to stop a lot of crime before it occurred, and also prevent crime due to increased certainty of conviction.

Today we learned that back in 2016 school officials asked that Parkland Shooter be committed as dangerously mentally ill:

The US ACLU has fought to make sure we don't have expansive warrants, ease of wiretapping, inclusivity of evidence present in other developed democracies. That in the US, unlike many developed democracies you get a trial by jury and that in the US you have scores of protections not present in Australia, Germany, France, Italy you name it.

And the ACLU, in dozens of precedent setting cases have made sure, that in the US it is more difficult to bring in, hold, evaluate, adjudicate and force treatment on those who maybe dangerously mentally ill.

I am glad we have these rights, all of which the CDC could promulgate "studies" proving they cost us hundred of thousands of "injuries" and crime victimizations. But I wonder how many of our fellow citizens understand that liberty has some costs? Or would accuse the ACLU of being to blame for most "notable" mass shootings, or for that matter, most violent crime?
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