School Attack May Bring Changes In Police Tactics


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According to a <a href="">N.Y. Times article,</a> the Colorado teams did exactly as they were trained. The trouble was that they'd never trained for a situation like this.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"This certainly will go down as the worst-case SWAT scenario of the century," said Larry Glick, executive director of the National Tactical Officers Association, which provides training for hundreds of police agencies. Ijames, who teaches SWAT tactics to officers from around the country, said one of the lessons of the Columbine shooting is that elite police units should be trained in new strategies.

"Surrounding a school may not be thebest thing to do," Ijames said. "The goal should be to take out the hostage-taker."

Watching what appeared to be a slow-motion response to a high school laden with explosives and under fire by two heavily-armed students, some police officers were openly critical of the SWAT response in Colorado.

Randy Patrick, a veteran officer from Westminster, a suburb of Denver, called the SWAT response "pathetic," and told the Denver Post, "I think they should have been more dynamic."[/quote]
Some harsh stuff, but I'm not so, how shall we say, disgusted, considering the SWAT teams were following their training. What else can one expect? More, different (better?) training seems to be on the table.
It was a no win situation. If they were inside and only six died, they wouldn't have been credited with saving 8, but killing six.

OTOH, I don't know what they were worried about. Thanks to the liberal agenda, the school was a "gun free zone". Had we let CCW holders carry, these kids might never have attempted this attack.
Whence cometh the money for training/equipping in all these "new strategies"? Inasmuch as vulnerability to such a shooting is nationwide, and not limited to "Big Cities", how does West Bug Tussle, Texas, or Resume Speed, Oklahoma, afford it?

Call on the Big City boys? Hmmm. Travel time, familiarization with the building...It will be over, and badly, quite possibly...

Nothing like experts from 2,000 miles away to spend days, weeks and months post-morteming something which happens Right Now!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't all the other school-murders been pretty-much "few shots and done"? Is this not the first, ever, of a very-much-planned, well-equipped "operation"? Is this, now, a likely scenario for the future?

It seems to me that had the SWAT team(s?) gone in, not knowing which of some 1,000 or more remaining kids were good-guys or bad-guys, the potential for even more injury or death was there. Regardless of the training.

Pardon my cynicism, but when folks make money from peddling their wares, I look for the salt-shaker. Per the LTAO: "...take out the hostage taker." What hostages? What hostage taker?

I don't really argue against re-thinking such scenarios, and LEO response. The comments just seem as knee-jerk as those from the gun-control crowd.

For what it might not be worth, Art