
David Scott

New member
Here's a scenario for you:

You are the religious leader of a fanatical ultra reactionary socio-political cabal. Your minions have executed a suicide attack upon innocent civilians in the largest city of the largest and most powerful country in the free world. They have killed several thousand people, and done billions in damage.

That powerful country has enlisted the support of dozens of other free-world nations, and is now coming right at you with forces upward of two million troops -- many times what you can muster -- and the most sophisticated armaments in existence. You have a rag-tag rabble of semi-trained but fanatical troops, aged and poorly maintained weapons and equipment, nonexistenmt supply lines, a large segment of your own country's population that wants you dead, an active resistance movement at your throat, and nowhere to run.

The smart bombs are falling. What's your tactical plan, Osama?
Get on national television and threaten that Amercians won't feel safe until the "attacks" stop. :rolleyes:
Immigrate to America.I think that's the last place anyone would look for me.Stay dormant for 5-10 years and then come out with my secret army and do as much damage to this country before Americas gun owners kill me and my followers.

P.S. I doubt usama has the facilities to make anthrax or any other nbc's but I heard he actually sends people over here to go to college like MIT and such.Those are the cells that we have to worry about, the ones already here in sleep mode.
Tell the world that the "Americans are ruthless terrorists who are murdering thousands of innocent civilians". Persuade the other Arabic nations that we are in cahootz with Israel and that the western infidels are trying to wipe out Islam, manipulate those nations into declaring a jihad, and watch them turn their tanks against the "oppressive U.S".

And than sit on a beach while calmly sipping a Coca-Cola and wearing Ray-Bans while the world goes to war.
1st non-wiseacre response!

Get a couple of my most morally bankrupt violent and depraved followers to find a small town of isolated Afgahnis and slaughter them. Afterwards, film the carnage and send it to the BBC and CNN as "exculsive and objective" footage of what US/Allied attacks on the Arab innocents are doing. The let the liberal media-machine of the western world do its thing to destroy resolve, spawn massive protest movements, and muddle military objectives... keep trying to make Afgahnistan equal Vietnam. Let the Americans screw themselves. :(
Usama Mode ON

While all of you capitalist pigs roll in your own filth of over confidence, I inject 50 of my minons with perfected small pox. They fly to America, and rape your wives and serve food to your children. One kills 75 of you.

While you feed us, we get stronger. We steal a nuke from Packistan, blow up Mecca, blame you and watch the whole Muslim nations rise in glory against the Super Power.

You bomb our rocks, and you rejoice. You are stupid. When you have the courage to route us from our caves, then you can consider yourselves brave.

Killing 50 of you is easy.

Usama mode off.