scenario what do you?

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Okay this is the senerio. Your on a subway train, the train pulls up to the platform and stops. Five shady looking guys get on, the doors close and the train pulls off. Then one of the guys pulls up a gun and tells everyone to empty their pockets. What do you do?
I think this is one of the times that you give them your wallet. You can't draw on him and hope to win. If, by some luck, you did, there are four others and they have no place to run. If you drew your gun, you'd have to hope none of the others had a gun and they don't rush you all at once.

It would be different if there were only two, but he still has the drop on you.
What's to say he doesn't shoot you anyway? For arguments sake let's just say that you knew he was the only one with a gun. After all if all of them were armed why wouldn't they have them drawn to show greater display of force.
I think I saw this in a Steven Seagal movie, you just... My 2 cents: If you are being genuinely threatened, if you feel that your life is in danger, then draw and shoot. The other 4 guys are irrelevant in this minuscule window of hypothetical time because guy number 1 is the danger. If your death is not imminent then hand over the wallet and go about your day.
Any time the bad guy presents a gun, you should expect he intends to shoot someone. Giving away your wallet may or may not de-escalate the situation. Your biggest problem is shooting the dirtbag in a crowded area w/o hurting others or having his gun discharge and hit someone.
There is no correct answer to this. It is just a bunch of what ifs.

I suggest that one take a serious FOF course and see the myriad ways a SCENARIO like this can go down.

Otherwise, we will just have meaningless Internet blather.

I'll let this run a bit but please avoid posturing.
Sorry folks, but I really hate these stupid "scenarios". What if 200,000 space aliens with ray guns invaded your home next Wednesday? If the Russian Army attacked your town, would you drive them away with your Glock 17? IMHO, "what if" scenarios are not even fun or food for speculation; they can give some less mature folks stupid ideas about how and when using a gun is appropriate and could get someone arrested or, worse, a lot of people killed.

Your gonna do what you would for any scenario and that is fall back on your training. For this scenario the El Presedente drill would be good training ....
I think in the movies you ask them how they intend to shoot people with the safety on and follow up with a roundhouse kick to the face. If you're really good at this you do it seconds before the doors close locking them out.

I would have to think about the 200,000 aliens and know what kind of penetration to expect from the rayguns.

Realistically we would have to be there to say what we would do. I only have $4 in my wallet and never carry more than $20.
Based on the info that the Op provided, I believe that the correct action would be to break out the subway car window and climb out on top of the car (dodging a few signs in the tunnel coming at you), then kick in the opposite window and come swinging back in feet first. You would kick the guy with the gun out the first broken window, then use your mall ninja skills to subdue the other shady looking characters.
Well.... I always carry a Glock 19, it is going to be seen, for sure, the idea of only one with a gun (shown anyway) I would imagine, so the rest can collect watches, wallets, cash?

All actions would depend on the proximity of the armed person, to me, his actions, and his location.

As my Wife and I are joined at the hip, we are always together, and any threat to this attractive 70 year old, all bets are off.

From sitting, I would put a 9mm HP up his nose!
My 'dirtbutton' smells like this....

.... in such a hypothetical situation there are no winners, I'd empty my pockets.
Hollywood never shows the collateral damage that Steven Seagal's heroics impart because they write it out of the script so he doesn't look bad, same as they do with Chuck Norris and Jean-Claude Van Damme ... and all the other 'legends in their own minds'.
I like things symmetrical myself and I'm afraid that in the real world I would likely run out of bad guys before bullets in my Glock and wouldn't have a chance to even the score of the number of bad guys I took out verses the number of good guys I killed unintentionally, especially since the bad guy with the gun is shooting good guys too.
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I'm with skadoosh.
Feign a heart attack, fall down and froth at the mouth, with a lot of spitting and convulsing.
And Brit, clean your glasses, there are no attractive 70 year olds. :)
I know, having to look at one in the mirror every day.
You'd be amazed at how most people reflexively want to move away from a stranger who starts foaming at the mouth...
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