Scenario: Wearing a wire


New member
You're in the ground floor of the imposing Sheeple Tower in Capitol City, waiting for the elevator. It's a warm spring day. Next to you is a young lady wearing a heavy coat, too heavy for the weather, and sweating visibly. The coat bulges unnaturally. To your horror, you notice a thin wire protruding from under her coat.

What now?

- pdmoderator
I dinah think that wire's for a recorder. Initator for an IED? Uh-oh...

Move away from her quickly, without attracting attention to yourself. Get clear of the area before calling the cops/EOD and reporting what you saw.

Best I can come up with on short notice. If it is an IED, you may well be screwed anyway. Hope it's a walkman cord or something...

- Chris
Certainly could be. Could also be a headphone cable, watch chain, or any number of other things. Or it could be part of a bomb. Or maybe not. Finding out for sure could be expensive.

Put it this way: Do you really want to see the Sheeple Tower? :D

- Chris
Depends on the size and color of the wire as well as whether or not it's a loop, or an exposed "cut" strand.
How about you change the question to you see a woman in the elevator with you with a wire that is hooked up to an explosives belt?

What do you do?
do what fix said (LOL)
also what chris said (LOL more)

i would just just tackle her and pinn both her hands to the ground. and if it's a bomb....i'll think of something. and if it's a just a wire, it's tell her that i was trying to move you out of the way because the dude who said "you got a permitt for that" was going to shoot you in the forehead.