Scenario - family or friends being held captive...

Response to question posed by Glamdring.
If your family or friends were being held by BG's, and
LEO's are nowhere to be found. What weaponry would you
want to be able to pull from your trunk to organize a
rescue? I would like to have my Beretta 92FS with about
four spare, 15 round magazines. Also would very much like
to have Colt M-16 Commando model with 4, 30 round mags.
A couple of flash bangs would be nice, and DO NOT forget
body armor or at least frag vest.
It sounds weird, but I had a dream a few months ago
that my brother and I had to take a building being held
by Germans. It was a small building, maybe 30x60 feet.
One large room and a bathroom. The BG's were holding
maybe eight hostages and had radio equipment in the
building. We go in with just Beretta's and catch the BG's
off guard. I move right, brother move's left. Eliminating
targets as we move quickly. One thought I had was to use
a .22 conversion kit for head shots and reduced risk of
overpenetration to avoid injuring hostages. Any advice
I could get to help me mentally prepare for this or any
other such circumstances would be great!
... out of our respective (current) collections? :)

STG-58 (4x20), P-14 (3x14), and the P226 (3x16) for backup.

Regardless of current inventory... replace STG-58 with an M4A1 (I like .308, but the STG is a bit on the heavy side).

Incidently... if this type of scenario sparks your imagination, check out