Rich - thanks for the link; I wasn't looking under Full Auto. It was a good thread, and did a great job of reflecting different aspects to the decision. I'll still pass on the NFA choice. When Richard states that "If the shoot is justified the choice of weapon should be irrelevent.", he may be correct, but jury, and LEO perhaps, psychology may very well be negatively impacted by a 'sawed-off shotgun' appearance. Besides, the additional BATF registration is still an aggravation.
I've also found and read all of the articles on the SGT website as well, and I'm sold that this is the way to go. I think I'll also be ordering the tactical light (11,000 candle power, etc.) as well. This deal makes more sense, to me, than seeing what my local gunsmith can dream up. Thanks again.
[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 01-05-99).]