Scattergun tech/Wilson Border Patrol model?


New member
Hi all,
Let me start out by saying that I'm new to shotguns(as well as 1911's but that's another story). I'm thinking of getting a shotgun for HD. From what I've been able to gather from my buds and following this forum pretty much everyone agrees that the Remington 870 is THE model to get. Ok, I'll go with the majority opinion, besides I really liked the few I've handled at the gun shops around me.
With all that said. I'm now looking at several options.
1. Get a used 870 and send it off to Scattergun.
2. Buy their Border model directly from them.
3. Whichever of the above options I go with should I send it off to VangComp for a barrel job.
Speaking of VangComp all of my knowledge about them comes from various threads on this forum and their website so why would it be a good idea for me to get send it off to them?
Of course being the "cheap" and cautious muldoon that I am I'm definitely keeping all of my options open. Any of your suggestions would be very welcome. Feel free to expand on my questions if you wish.



[This message has been edited by PJ11B3VF7 (edited February 19, 2000).]
I'm cheap and cautious myself,Pete, so here goes.

The various aftermarket houses and custom shops do some good work, and there's plenty of stuff to choose from, BUT....

You mention you're new to shotguns.
An 870 in trained and competent hands is a weapon of immense effectiveness even w/o the bells and whistles us aficionados drool over.

First, you should get one,then buy a messa ammo and range time and get to KNOW the piece. After burning up lots of ammo,then you're in a better position to decide where your money goes.Since you're new to shotguns, some lessons may be in order too.

There's some old threads here about HD and recoil with some input you could use.

Hope this helps...
Bought an 870 at a gun show about two months ago. Was an 870Police model with the 7-shot tube and factory rifle sites. It was used very lightly and I couldn't resist the $299 price tag. Dropped another $75 and got a side-saddle and 50 rds of Federal 00 Tactical buck. The kicker is when I got home and realized that the site had been converted to tritium. I've shot the Scattergun shotguns and they are nice, but if you can find an 870Police you can expect the same fine quality and relaibility. I think KY Imports has the 870Police w/ ghost-rings for $319. It has the standard mag tube, but you can always add that later.

Be Safe
Border Patrol Model, yes, yes, get it. That's my dream shotgun!! Right now I've got a Marine Magnum. Have added side saddle and now added scattergun tech's ghost ring sights. I'm going to shoot it a little longer before I decide to change the forearm to the model with a light and buttstock to the shorter stock. My point being by the time I add all the bells and whistles I want, I probably would have been just as well to buy the original thing. I you can afford it, go for it.
I agree with Ned on the Scattergun model... but he is forgetting the fact that the Marine Magum has an almost indestructable Electroless Nickel finish that will FAR outlast any bluing or Parkerized finish. Will withstand 1000+ of salt spray with no damage and does not scratch.
My MM has the SureFire 6V foregrip and has had the barrel done by Hans Vang... (These are 2 modifications I consider a MUST have and well worth the money. Hans can do them both VERY reaonably and his work is second to none!) The only thing I have left to do is have Hans install the Ghost Ring sights and then I am done. The only problem I have EVER had with long guns is finish rust and pitting... The Marine Magnum's finish is TOTALLY maintenace free.

Real good point, Bennett. My MM does duty as HD gun and I shoot in my club's three gun matches. Unfortunately, a local rule we have so the gun race doesn't get out of hand is No Comps or porting of shotguns. Go figure.
Ned, the rule probably is to prevent what happened to IPSC from happening again. I quit shooting IPSC long ago, the day I saw a handgun I wouldn't carry on the street win a match.Up to then, I'd been placing well into the top half with a Series 70 with only better sights and trigger,and some sandpaper standing in for frontstrap checkering.

Competition should measure the person, not the hardware someone can afford.

And that's not a slap at anything,including bellsnwhistles.