Scary thought--Gang bangers with training.


I got a call from a good friend who provides gun props for movies and videos. About a week ago he received a call to show up with some props at a warehouse area in downtown L.A..
He was told that they were going to shoot a rap video and that he just needed to provide the props.
When he arrived, he noticed guys in Crips and Bloods colors, but thinking they were actors, there wouldn't be a problem. Once inside the warehouse, he said he saw the scariest thing that he has ever seen.
Some yahoo was teaching the young "gang" members how to do military type tactics (i.e., leap frogging, skirmish, etc...) When some of the Hollyweird types told the "gang" types that they needed to use props, a real gun fight almost broke out because "No MF was going to take my 9 away!"
Being blood enemies, the gangs almost got into it, but the Hollyweird types reminded everyone that this video was for the good of all the people.
My friend overheard some of the gang leaders say how the tape was going to be a good training film for the young bloods.
He said it was scary watching each member learning to use hard cover and military tactics of laying down suppressing fire as they advanced on their target....all part of the video, you understand.

I had nighmares for weeks. Even stoked up my evil assault rifle for a while.
the film is a new wrinkle. Some of them have already learned tactics by being in the military. I doubt that this is really much of a threat because my experience with gangbangers is that they aren't terribly astute. Most of them lack the tenacity and self-discipline to become very good at anything. The ones who have those qualities rise to leadership positions in the gang and seldom engage in street level confrontation. Most bangers are just stupid, directionless kids in search of the next thrill. They're dangerous enough like that, i'll admit.
Golgo, I've gotta disagree... They're there, and they're organized...

A few years ago, a former-jarhead friend of mine who is "urban homesteading" went out and bought a couple of SKSs to have sitting around the house... He said he'd seen a group of the local bangers walking down the street... They had an obvious point man, commo man, drag, etc., and were moving in a fairly organized/military fashion, and had more troops circling the block in a vehicle... They were obviously announcing to the world that that block was "their" territory, etc...
The thing about these gangbangers is that they operate within the city ... lots of innocents to get hit, lots of cover and concealment, lots of supplies. I think of the Warsaw Uprising, Saigon during the Tet Offensive, and any number of urban warfare accounts and am truly sobered up.

Looks like labelling them as "stupid" is premature ... maybe they aren't valedictorians, but they sure the hell can compensate by animal cunning. Welcome back to the Ice Age, 25,000bc. ...
On a different level... some of the gang kids around here (Phx) are getting mixed martial arts training like BJJ and Thai. Scary.
i frequent the frugal squirrel, and we covered this, with a thread on the new afrikaner board....the guys there bragged about there preperations, and seemed to have their sh*T together....all basis of operations well covered...

speak now, or forever hold your peace