SCARS/CFC Non-lethal/Lethal Tactics For Hand-To-Hand review

Sharp Phil

New member
Hello again, all.

Anyone who's seen the ads but balked at the high prices these videos command may be curious to read this overview of the two tapes and the manual that accompanies them. Jerry Petersen's Special Combat Aggressive Reactionary Systems Combat Fighting Course is marketed as a scientific and very effective means of self-defense, though I can't say I find it as remarkable as all that.
It was "news" to me, as this is the first time I've had a chance to actually view the SCARS material.

I hope to review Tim Larkin's TFT material at some point in the future, but I suspect it's very similar if not identical.
The subject has been discussed to death, I think, not to mention the fact that Petersen has received innumerable bad (to be understated about it) reviews from many other martial arts and review sites.
Thanks for the review Phil. I have seen this system ripped up at, but nobody had ever actually reviewed the material like this.

Your review seems to reflect the sentiments echoed in other places albiet in a nicer way.
