New member
Is it just me or are alot of other guys out there very sad at the stupid display of machoism (that is created by getting inexperinced girls to shoot rather large calibers) so that they end up either always afraid to fire a gun or just really afraid of all guns! An example i can give is when target praticing at my fathers house out in the country with my brother and his now ex! She wouldn't even try shooting because the first and only time she had ever shot guns a boyfriend and a couple of his friends took her out and had here shoot a 835 mossberg 12 gauge with 3 1/2 inch shells which she wasn't prepared at all for! Also while out plinking tin cans with my girlfriends family i experinced another macho act that made me mad! my Girlfriends mom was a first time shooter so I took her up to the firing line with my single six revolver with 22 shorts and after reloading 5 times went to 22 LR . She was doing just fine when her boyfriend suggested she try his 45! I told her she didn't have to but he kept insisting! After pulling the trigger the first time she came walking back over to me telling me her hand hurt! That was the end of her shooting for the day, but the next time whe went out all she wanted to shoot was my 22!:barf: