Scandium Smith Prics


New member
OK. I know that these things exist. I've seen them on the website. They look pretty cool. Right now, I have (among others) a 2 1/8 inch model 60 in .357 and a 1 7/8 inch 342ti. It seems that one of the new scandium smiths could replace both of these guns. So my question is: how much do these things cost??? By the way, no politics please (ie, it will cost you your soul if you buy one).
After hearing rumours of the pricing scale, I'm pretty sure that it should be spelled "scandalum"! :eek:
It will just cost your children's children's ability to own firearms.

I never was any good at following directions.
The Taurus TI series wheelguns look pretty good...

A bit under $600 list gets you a real light, adjustable sights, 4" ported .357Mag approximately K-Frame size but 7-shot. With speedloaders easily available.

How are the new Tauruses? While I'm not fond of the idea of putting money into Brazil, at least Taurus doesn't require their dealers to adopt a whole raft of gun control measures that Congress couldn't pass on their own.

is the 'agreement' even enforced?

my post agreement sw342pd was bought at a storefront chock full of std cap mags and self loading rifles.

taurus' built-in, non-removable sellout gunlock and oft reported reliability problems have kept me away from them long before the smith 'agreement'.
The Taurus lock is NOT a sellout!

To label Taurus a sellout purely over those locks is to lie. The locks themselves have by all accounts not caused any of the guns to seize up. Use of them is totally voluntary on the user's part.

The same goes for the trigger locks sold with S&Ws post-agreement. IF the agreement had been about nothing but trigger locks supplied for voluntary use with each gun as the popular media likes to claim, it would be a non-issue just like the Taurus integrated locks.

The part of the S&W agreement that's NOT voluntary is the forcing of gun control down the throats of their dealers. If it's being ignored, that's not good enough - the agreement itself sets a horrible precedent and I will absolutely never give S&W one thin dime until that deal is DEAD, officially.

Now, if Taurus is having mechanical reliability issues, that's another matter and potentially a serious complaint. If someone could point out prior discussions of same, esp. involving wheelguns, I'd appreciate it.

I have both a Total Titanium Taurus snubbie and a Stainless Taurus snubbie. Both have functioned perfectly with absolutly no problems whatsoever.

If Smith & Wesson does not feel repercussions for trying to push that agreement on dealers and consumers, it will be the beginning of the end for RKBA.

Sticking to the "No New Smiths" rule was never as hard as at the gun show this weekend. I saw more Performance Center NIB Smiths than ever before, including a gorgeous 629 3" V-Comp, a .41 Magnum Mountain Gun, and a bunch of other gems...but I will not purchase a new Smith until they go back on the agreement. You don't make deals with that bastard Cuomo in exchange for maybe not getting sued...not if you sell out every legitimate dealer and law-abiding customer in the process. Cuomo was trying to end-run the legislative process through litigation, and S&W was a willing accomplice.

Taurus did not do anything like S&W...their lock was not forced on them by Democrat social engineers. They even included a NRA membership with every new gun after the agreement got publicized. I like that so much, I might just buy a NIB Taurus next just to show my appreciation.
In my best Eric Cartman voice....

Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe I didn't make myself clear. I was looking for approximate prices on the new Scandium Smiths, and specifically NOT a political tirade about how bad S&W is. Seriously. Sc&$(*& you guys, I'm going home..... Sc(*&^% you guys... home.

The street price of a titanium Air Lite is about $480 to $550, depending on options and finish. Scandium guns are going to cost about $50 to $80 more. That is if and when they come to store shelves.

Politics aside, it's a useless concept! Too much cartridge for such a light gun. Only gun that makes some sense is the Scandium .357 Magnum Mountain Gun.

The material they are using is not actually scandium. It is ground up pieces of our Founding Fathers skeletons, which they tore out of the earth and then spat upon.
Branrot, most of us can't even wrap our heads around somebody who "just wants the gun, doesn't care about "politics"".

If you want to keep owning guns, then that agreement between S&W and Cuomo must die. If S&W dies with it, so be it.

Divesting S&W from politics

I don't think it's possible for most members of TFL to divest S&W from the deal they made, whether or not they are officially enforcing it.

Some people are able to justify purchasing a new S&W in many ways (they're not enforcing the deal, we can't let a gun manufacturer go under, we're only penalizing ourselves / the innocent S&W workers).

However, to many individuals on a bulletin board dedicated to firearms and 2nd ammendment rights, asking about the going prices on a S&W and telling them to ignore their sellout is akin to walking into a synagogue during World War II and proclaiming "I don't want to get into a discussion on concentration camps, I just want to know what the going price is on a volkswagon".
I was in a large gunshop in Stockton, Calif today...

He mentioned that he can't even give away new S&Ws. A *lot* of people are pissed, not just us TFLers.

my post agreement sw342pd was bought at a storefront chock full of std cap mags and self loading rifles.

to not call a built-in, non-removable gunlock a sellout in the political arena of gun control is fundamentally dishonest.

Ok, let's call a spade a spade, then. Taurus are sellouts. Heckler & Koch are sellouts....their USP pistols include a built-in lock. Steyr are sellouts...their Scout rifles and M40 pistols have a built-in lock as well. Smith and Wesson aren't sellouts, because they don't integrate their locks. They put a lock on dealers and consumers instead, which you can't leave unlocked, even if you wanted to...but they're not sellouts because it's a contractual lock and not a steel one. Do I have that right so far? Are you therefore boycotting HK and Steyr as well?

With all due respect, it just sounds to me like you are trying to justify buying a new Smith, and you're stretching to condemn Taurus because of a built-in lock. Again: you have the option to use the lock on a Taurus in the off position if you so choose. You have no choice when it comes to the S&W agreement.
Also, there is the option of things like loctite, where you can freeze the integrated lock in a permanently unlocked condition.

Problem solved.
Let's get the facts straight. I own two Steyr Scout Rifles and I can't find a built in lock on them. Am I missing something? If they had a built in lock I wouldn't have bought them. The same goes for any gun with a built in lock. It's just a matter of opinion but this is a far greater sellout than the non enforced so called Smith & Wesson agreement. I don't need no stinkin lock. I want my guns to be dangerous.
I know I started this on an "off politics" issue, but now that we're on the subject, wasn't Ruger the one responsible for the 10 round magazine thing? The internal lock on my USP doesn't really bother me (I've never used it), but it does bother me when I have to pay 80 bucks for a 13 round magazine. I'd put internal gun locks on all my guns if I could have bought even a quarter of my hi-cap mags at reasonable prices.
I don't need no stinkin lock. I want my guns to be dangerous.
So of course you bought the version without the commie sellout safety switch, too, right?

Oh, it has a safety on it? So safeties are good if they don't need a key, but bad if they do?

How 'bout the gun case? Any pinko locks on it?

If you want a *&* wheelgun, buy one, I don't care. But I worked at a gun shop that was affected by their cheesy little deal. They sent us a mailing telling us what we'd have to do or not do, say or not say, what products we could or couldn't sell to remain a *&* dealer, and we sent back their signage and terminated an otherwise profitable ten-year business relationship.

If you gotta buy one, buy one; myself, I'm going to have to abstain (and I won't lie and say that it don't suck; there's a lot in their catalogue that I want badly, but they have to publicly repudiate the agreement. The day that happens, I buy a new N-frame.)