Scandiam Smiths; are they any good?

From my experience, their Titaniums and Aluminums are wonderful. i don't doubt that their Scancdiums won't be fine handguns as well. I'm not interested in going to a heavier weight in .357 for a carry piece. I'm sticking with my .38sp SW342PD.
I am sure they are going to be excellent guns as Smith&Wesson has a long history of producing quality products. I have not seen one yet but the first one I come across is going home with me.
I'm sure they're fine. I'm also sure that I don't want to shoot one with full power .357 loads. I have a pre-sellout S&W 642. That's a 15 oz J-frame in .38 Spcl. With 158gr +P (FBI load), it just plain HURTS to shoot -- 10 rounds and I'm done. The new scandium guns are 12 ozs. If .38 +P in 15oz hurts, I can just imagine what a full power .357 in 12oz will feel like. And with that short a tube, I doubt you're really getting that much more power out of the gun anyways.

The scandium guns are a great technical achievement. But I'd recommend that you get a 642 instead and save your money. You'll be just as well armed, it only weighs 3 oz more, and it's a whole lot cheaper.
