SBS receiver marking

Bill DeShivs

New member
I'm about to do a double barreled 20 ga. pistol.
What are the requirements about marking the receiver? Just name & city/state? Any minimum size?
It may be a simple question, but I guess nobody who knows the answer has seen it yet.

I live in a state where SBRs and SBSs are illegal. I only know the laws regarding them as far as what I can't do; for example, I know how to avoid getting in trouble for constructive possession of an SBR when buying parts for an AR pistol or a suppressor pin-and-weld job.

I think you need to mark the receiver with your name (or trust's name) and the city/state (I have no clue what the minimum size of the lettering is). But I don't know for sure because it's illegal in my state and therefore I've never done it. Sorry.
Well, somebody's in a hurry.

The appropriate legalese is in 27 CFR 479.102.

The end product has to have the following:

  • Manufacturer (that's your name or the name of your trust)
  • City and state of manufacture
  • The model and serial number
  • Gauge

If you're using the original model, serial number, and gauge of the Title 1 firearm, you just need to add your name and city/state. Markings have to be .003" deep and in a typeface at least 1/16" tall, and they must be in a "conspicuous" place.
Thank you, Tom!
I was just amazed no one answered sooner.
Someone can ask about the XYZ Tactical rate reduce for the MP5 and there usually are several posts quickly.
Yes, but in an area like this, do we really want everyone chiming in with conjecture? At the very least, a bad piece of advice could lead to your paperwork being rejected. At worst, it could lead to jail time.

I take a single barrel shotgun and get the tax stamp and cut the barrel to 15", and then put the markings on the receiver. OK. Then, I want to restore the barrel to regular length, so I get a 22" barrel and do what?

The markings indicating the gun is an NFA firearm are on the receiver. Does "once a short barrel shotgun always a short barrel shotgun" apply? Can I put on the 22" barrel and destroy the 15" and have the gun removed from the NFRTR? If I put on the 22" barrel, do I need a new tax stamp to take it off and put on the 15"? Can I put the NFA markings on the 15" barrel instead of the receiver, since it is the barrel that makes it an NFA firearm?

I don't necessarily expect answers, just thought I would ask the questions.

It is legal to mark the barrel. A guy who goes by "Shade1" over on UziTalk got a letter from tech branch about this. His Uzi SBR has his name/city/state on the bottom of the barrel. I have seen pump shotguns done the same way here in Ohio.

Remember once you have that stamp, the receiver is a NFA item regardless of where you engraved it. If you take the barrel with your name/city/state and temporarily change it with a 18+ inch barrel it probably wont be a big deal. Its a lot more fun if you don't get caught. If you want to sell it as a title 1 firearm you still must have the gun removed from the registry.
No but the ATF has gone on record saying you must be able to return it to its dimensions stated on the form 1 or 4.

I'm just pointing out that engraving the barrel is legal, just don't forget that your reciver is a NFA item because that is where the s/n is. That is the registered part.

Probably won't be a big deal to put a 26 inch barrel on it and make it title one configurationas long as you still have the engraved short barrel handy with your paper work. but don't loan or sell it like that because the serial numbered part is still controlled by NFA.

Do you see what I'm getting at?
Yes, it just seems like there's an implication (not necessarily by you) that an NFA item can't be used in a non-NFA configuration.

Personally, I'd want to mark the barrel if it's allowed. No sense in permanently marring a receiver that can be "normalized" by removing it from the registry.
OK, I'm gonna poke the dead horse with a stick a bit ;)

If your Revocable Living Trust name is "Green Star Revocable Living Trust" can I only put "Green Star Trust" on my NFA item, or must I put "Green Star Revocable Living Trust" :D

That's sure to get some interesting comments.

I only bring this up because NFA laws just plain suck (in a bad way)!

Now with the whole Trust purchase route - CLEO sign off and extra paperwork likely requirement they suck even more.

skizzums - I'm about 15 minutes from you outside of Villa Rica. Any chance you are a member of Little River Gun Club in Carrollton ?


Rob, when I recently went though this with SBR engraving I was told by multiple sources that the engraving must match exactly what is listed on the Form 1. This included needing to include the word "the" as my trust is called The soon to be useless trust.
As an aside, I have decided not to do the trust.
So, I take my receiver over to my engraving machines (I have 3,) and it won't fit in any of them! I'll have to job it out, or engrave it by hand. I hate hand lettering (and I don't do it well) so it looks like I'll job it. I am hand engraving scrollwork on the receiver to cover the crude EAA stamped engraving.