SBR and UZI barrel questions

Hiker 1

New member
Hi all,

I have an NFA trust and 1 suppressor already, but I want to get a short barrel for my UZI Model B, making it an SBR. I know I would have to register the gun as an SBR and go through the NFA process, but my question is:

1. can I continue to fire my UZI as normal with the 18 inch barrel, or does the gun have to be sequestered some way while I'm waiting on the stamp for the short barrel? I can order a short barrel anytime, so can I just hang on to it and not attach it to the UZI until my stamp is approved?

2. same thing if I buy an SBR upper but I don't attach it to one of my lowers. Can I just keep the upper and not use it until the stamp comes in or do I have to turn it over to my NFA dealer?

Thanks all!
Congrats. UZI's are one of my fav subguns

You would do a form 1 to make the SBR ($200 tax). Then you just continue to enjoy the Uzi with the long barrel until the Form 1 is approved. At that time you can install the short barrel.

A cpl things... During the wait time you will need to get the gun engraved with your trust info. The BATF says you may engrave the receiver or the barrel. The barrel would be tough, cause it only sticks out about an inch from the barrel nut

As to getting the barrel prior to the stamp being approved. Id be VERY cautious with that. If you do pick up the barrel prior, maybe keep the barrel at a friends or your folks until the stamp gets back. Having the short barrel and the gun kinds of puts you into the "constructive possession" realm

The difference between your AR uppers is that as long as you have a pistol lower (or a reg SBR) then having a short upper is ok. The short upper can be used on the pistol lower and is legal. If you get the short barrel for the Uzi it can only be used to make an SBR....constructive possession.

The same problem exists if you have only "rifle" lowers and a short upper. You have NO legal use for the short upper... Hence Constructive possession.
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