SBH scope-eeng.


New member
i'm thinking of scopin' out my Super Blackhawk. I would like to know if anyone has any good brands to go with for both the base/rings and the scope itself. trying to keep it inexpensive, and something i don't have to "special order" and ship my gun out. alos, any advice on scoping a handgun would be nice.....this is my first time. thanks a bunch.
Well if I was going to scope one of my Super Blackhawks, and I ain't, I would call Jack Weigand or visit and get one of his mounts with rings.

I would not use a b-square mount.

I would ask questions about handgun scopes, cause I don't own any:)

sounds like a winner. not a bad price for an overhaul either.
you think i could drill and tap myself? or just send it to get the whole deal which includes the scope mounts/rings? thanks again for the great website.:D
I agree with Whiskey, don't scrimp on the mount. Buy the best you can get, I feel that is more important than the type of scope you put on it. Kinda like the foundation of a house... if the foundation isn't stable, everything above it will also be unstable. I personally have SSK's mounts on most of my handguns. I've never seen the mounts from Weigand but if they are a heavy weaver style and use multiple screws to hold it on then it's probably a good one. I haven't seen a clamp on mount hold up on anything over a long period of time. Mine has been on for a number of years and I use full power loads for hunting and silhouette and it's had thousands of rounds thru it and has never moved. I kinda prefer a dot out to 125 or 150 yards but everyone is different. I use a scope for my really long range shooting but that is always from a sandbag or creedmore position.

There is a pic of my Super Blackhawk with the SSK mount and dot on the Ruger Forum site under the favorite Rugers thread.