SB23 and Veto the Gov

Here's the latest SitRep (8 Sept 99):

Sorry this SITREP has taken a while. I am routinely buried, but in addition to the normal and abnormal demands on my time, I suffered a death in the family, which required my having to fly back to Rhode Island for a week.

Now that I am back and struggling to catch up, the pace will quicken from now to October 15th. I will make every effort to post at least a weekly sitrep henceforth.

There are several very exciting things pending just around the corner. I don't mean to tease, but we can't reveal EVERYTHING for a couple of weeks. However, I do want you all to know the following:

1.Everyone is doing an EXTRAORDINARY job in
soliciting and collecting petitions. Our grassroots network grows weekly. From San Diego to the Oregon border we are kicking ass. PLEASE keep it up. Remain focused. Keep on keeping on.

2.I am in the process of semi-formally establishing a coalition, which will become increasingly important as we move into the next two phases. Invitations will be going out to the following groups: Recall Davis; NRA members councils; GOA; GOC; 2nd Amendment Committee, Peoples Advocate, Paul Gann Citizens Committee, Libertarian Party, GOP caucus, Blue Dog Democrats, Lawyers for the 2nd Amendment, Doctors for the 2nd Amendment, and others.. If anyone can suggest any others we may want to add please email suggestions.

3.We have a team of lawyers working on something you will all find very exciting. The developing language is short, concise, and almost perfect to further our primary

4.Remember what we are all doing, and will do, is more than protecting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. SB23, SB15, and the gaggle of anti-gun bills seeping out of Sacramento all attack a key component of the Bill of Rights. If we permit elected officials to undermine, or abrogate ANY part of the Bill of Rights the entire Bill of Rights becomes vulnerable.

Please forgive our inability to tell you all everything YET. We need to keep some things close to the vest until we spring our surprise. A few are asking for daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly counts of signatures. THAT would not be prudent, and we will not release the numbers until just before we submit the petitions.

You have ALL done an incredible job so far, and we are just beginning. Everything we have accomplished so far is mere prelude to what is to follow. All the experts claimed we could not do what we already have, and momentum continues to build. We are all in the process of making history.

As an aside, I'm guessing that the project Geoff is hinting at in #3 above is the much-discussed conspiracy suit.

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
Don't forget the California Rifle and Pistol Association (CRPA). Make sure that you include them!!!
I have been a member of this organization forever it seems, and they are one of the best pro-gun outfits in California. Last year Charlton Heston was a guest speaker at our annual members banquet.
THEY FIGHT FOR US IN SACRAMENTO ON A DAILY BASIS!!! If you don't belong, you need to join. Only $18.00 a year and the newsletters are outstanding!

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.