SB-23 will ban Ruger Mini-14?????


New member
I heard the Mini-14 will be on the ban list because of the grip protrudes beneath the action!!! What kind of crap are they pullin?? I just remembered...they want to ban all the guns.....stupid me! Seriously, has anyone heard this one? Thanks
Just rumors....
A stock Mini is still, for the time being, legal

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I believe that if you don't have a flash suppressor, you will be fine with a mini-14. The M1A is also fine if you replace the flash suppressor with a "muzzle brake". Springfield Armory is offering the brake for this very reason.
Whew! At first I thought "they" were trying to eventually ban all guns. Doesn't EVERY rifle have a stock (or grip, or "features") that protrude below the action?

Anybody thinking that they can buy/own/possess any shooter with the thought that it is (currently) PC (and will be in the future) is fooling themselves & doing none of us (or yourselves) any favors. The goal is complete civilian (& if you can "trust" some of the more hard-core antis - military & police) disarmament. Period.

Hell, even Lawton Chiles (I'm pretty sure) - ex-Gov of Florida passed a law which banned his own Mini-14. He later said something along the lines of "why, that's my favorite turkey shooter, not an assault rifle." None on 'em have a clue.

BTW, what's SB23? That a Kalifornia deal or - who really cares?

They're here!
The trend is california pass gun control legistlation then about 5 years laters, the federal goverenment passes something a little harsher. thats why people should care about SB23, and the one about handguns. I hasn't gotten much press, but it bans handguns without manual safeties, like Glocks etc.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Actually it's SB15 that ban handguns without external safeties ( I hear they made a exemption for Glocks). It also mandates gun makers to do a series of drop tests! It's all crap!!! All these CA. laws do trickle down to other states inclined to restrict.
It can only be BANNED if they search house to house.
For me, Civil Disobedience would be in practice if they did such a thing.
These legislators voting this crap in need to be Tarred and Feathered - then Flogged. Every last one of them.
Unconstitutional Traitors.
Sick of these $&%$&@!#$^$%*($*%)*(@&$%)!!!!!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
this was posted on the AR list:

(c) "forward pistol grip" means any protrusion in front of the
trigger that is designed or intended to grasp and control the firearm.

An HK USP compact (and most Glocks) have a u-shaped front trigger guard
with stippling. From the side it ooks like this: [_(. Seems like this is
a "protrusion" in front of the trigger that is intended to grasp or
control the firearm. Hence the HK USP is an "assault weapon".

(e) "pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of
the weapon" means any component that allows for the grasp, control, and
fire of the firearm where the portion grasped is located beneath an
imaginary line drawn parallel to the barrel that runs through
the top of the exposed trigger."

Note section (e) which defines a "pistol grip" as any element of the
stock which extend below the TOP of the trigger. That funny-looking
compliance grip won't comply. Come to think of it, this includes every
stock around, including an M1A or M1 carbine. Any normal stock has a
section that runs below the top of the exposed trigger.

(a) "detachable magazine" means any magazine that
can be readily removed without the use of tools.
Don't worry all. The NRA will take care of all this. Maybe they will provide directions on how to turn in your guns with the next request for money! The time is down to days now I think. Aren't you proud of their efforts in CA?? Jerry
You know, it doesn't seem to me that guns like the HK USC would be banned under SB23. It does have a pistol grip/thumbhole stock and it does have a detachable magazine, but a detachable magazine in excess of 10 rounds cannot be inserted, so that would seem to blow the "2 or more" evil features rule of SB23. What do you think?

Yes, most people I've talked to have stated that they will ignore the ban and registration. If shop owners are smart, they'll offer a coupon and literature regarding the NRA or CRPA or both with each gun.

the law says a detachable mag and 1 evil feature. it could have a 2 rnd. detachable mag and a pistol grip and it would be illegal.

hi cap mags is a different unrelated part of the law

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
(Thanks, Hank)

This thread clearly is one of DC's Legal/Political threads. I'll move it there from General.
The original Roberti-Roos bill excluded the Mini-14 because if they had included it they would have p---ed off too many people and they wouldn't have been able to pass the legislation.

The other thing that was a hoot about Roberti-Roos was the fact that they left the AK-47 clones off of the original list. As most of you will remember, it was a guy with an AK clone that shot up the schoolyard in Stockton that prompted the legislation in the first place.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.
What I'm trying to say is see SCR1's link.
Bolt gun next? Shot gun!! WHAT
I have GONE TO WAR FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA And I would proudly do so again.
If you are not a believer in The Constitution and The Bill of Rights you must be an enemy of this grand country.

I will fight you again.

God Bless all and a Happy New Years to ALL

You Californians who love guns need to cross the border to Arizona. Just don't tell anyone where you came from. I know its hard, but try to keep your mouth shut about the weather and try to blend in. Leave Utopia to the fruits, nuts, tree huggers, mass murders, and rapists. Then once the weak have been eliminated and the enemy of the people clearly defined (shouldn't take to long), go back in and clean house with your trench brooms and write it into your state constitution your right to self protection with firearms. Make it manditory to own and pratice with firearms (sort of like the Swiss and Israelly model and old English law).