Saying goodbye for a while ...

This is my last post for a while.

There's two basic reasons for this:

1. I visit here every day. What I read upsets me more and more. With my own (personal) problems added,I feel I am on the edge of full-blown clinical depression -- I don't want to push that any further. My wife is also swinging more and more to the position that I am "paranoid" about guns -- and I love her dearly and don't want to push her further away. (She actually used that word the other night -- I don't think she meant it the way I took it.)

2. The antis are wearing me down. I'm the president of a large Western Australian gun club, and I'm feeling the pressure from the public, the politicians, the police and -- I'm sorry to say -- many of my own club members. To be frank, fellas -- I'm tired. I'm tired of fighting all the bloody time.

Before the Uniform Gun Laws in Australia and the Gun Buyback, I was a "happy" bloke -- noted for my sense of humour. I took a pride in keeping things in balance. But it's all changed -- we're now pariahs -- and nothing I do or say or dream about or wish makes one iota of difference. My life has changed irrevocably.

So I'm going for a while -- not physically, 'cause I'll still be here every now and then.

And I'll look in and see how things are going.

I might come back in a few weeks or a few months ... who knows.

I wish you all the best ... But I've just had enough. I'm tired and I'm sick of fighting all the time.

To the people I've spoken to via e-mail -- it's been great to talk to you. I'm still there for that.

I've made some wonderful friends -- people I would want standing alongside me if the manure hit the rotating cooling device -- and people I'd love to have a beer with -- or a JD or a Cougar or a tequila or a ........ :)

Keep the faith, people.


PS: Miss Demeanours: Your posts have inspired me -- I think you're a nice lady with a brain, who can think for herself. Your kids should be very proud of you.

DC: Love you

Dennis: You have a gift, my friend, with words -- keep writing!!!!!

Schmit: G'day, mate -- talk to you live one day. Your latest piece at Gun-center was brilliant!!!!!!

"The Other Gun from Down Under" -- I've been to the websites -- I wish you luck, but ...

Rich: Thanks for the privilege ... what more can I say???

[This message has been edited by Bruce from West Oz (edited July 27, 1999).]

Sorry to see ya go... even for a while. I went through a like situation some years back (though it wasn't firearms related, it was Corps related). Constant fighting causes untold stress (though you may not admit it).

Take a break, rest, and recooperate, get your blood pressure back down to normal, focus on family....

Then, after all is in harmony, decided if you want to get fully back into the fight - going head to head, or want to work behind the scenes helping others. Remember, for every grunt out there in the fight there are at numerous "support" personnel, with out who's help, the battle will be lost.

Fair Thee Well Mate!! Until we talk again.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Wow...this saddens me, though I fully understand.
Bruce, do whats necessary to get all back on an even keel, follow Schmit's Rx. Fishing is also wonderfully therapeutic for getting the head back to plumb :).

Believe me, you haven't lost your sense of humor either, you've routinely made me chuckle.

So rest up, take the kids fishing and be well. You'll be missed and your return is anticipated.
Andare con il Dio, Cugino

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I also am sorry to see you take a "time-out", but I understand what you are saying.

Trying to determine whether much of the bad news is paranoia or a valid warning probably is more stressful to many of us than we care to admit.

The increasing "demonization" of gun ownership, added to other "Off-TFL" stresses, also adversely affects my "on-TFL" posts. Sometimes I find I'm fighting my fellow gun owners - weakening the very unity I wish to strengthen.

It's a real shame that we can't just gather 'round and have a beer. Our conversations and stories would wander and we could get to know each other a lot better. Maybe that's why Rich has let us chat about non-gun subjects so much.

Sorry about the grief you're catching because of the gun laws and attitudes; and I'm sure I don't even begin to understand the stresses involved with your gun club responsibilities.

You see my e-mail address. Anytime you would like to chat 'bout anything, give me a call. Looking forward to your return (soon).
Bruce: Take care of yourself...please try to get hold of something positive.

Like Gunny Schmid, I went through a period that was pretty tough...watching the buffoon in the White House and his cronies destroy the military I served for so long...the antis constant know, full well, how frustrating it can be. Add in the self-destruct of a long term marriage, and you know the deal.

DCs advice about fishing is very good...I'd also recommend doing some Physical Training (assuming your not already)...a program of running and/or biking and swimming along with a good weight training program can do wonders for the spirit as well. Finally, don't lose touch with friends and (especially) your wife.

All the best...don't be a stranger

Mike (from Kansas, the other OZ)

[This message has been edited by Mike Spight (edited July 27, 1999).]

Thanks for all your contributions. They will be missed here at TFL, perhaps though, you will return soon with more things to share from your period of reflection and consideration.

Take Care,

Hi Bruce,

Sorry to see you go, but I understand what you're going through.

From Bill Clinton's election in 1992 through the November, 1994 election in which the Republicans took control of Congress, I was completely immersed in a day to day fight that took its toll on me. As a result, I withdrew from reading or listening to the news except for a couple of specific sources.

Take some time off. Immerse yourself in your family and friends. Perhaps pick up an old non-gun hobby that you haven't done in awhile. Allow the gentle side of yourself to come back.

Then you can think about returning to the forum. You and your valuble input will be missed.

Take care of yourself.

- Anthony
Bruce, Thanks for your kind words, I am sorry to see you leave. :( But also can understand why you need a break. What everyone said above is true, get your mind off of things for awhile and do some other things that you like. Just remember, if I can change my thoughts about guns, there are more out there (I will find them! :)) Coming here really made me realize that you all that own guns are not freaks by any means and are just fighting for what you believe in. Its nice to see people talking about guns that have nothing to do with just killing people for the hell of it. IF more people could see this side there wouldnt be as many anti's as there are now. Hey maybe when you get back I will have finally gone shooting and have a real funny story to tell! :) Take care and hope to see you back soon! :)

Not wanting to sound trite, but having myself gone through some stressful situations, since happily resolved, Noli Bastardus Carborundum.

My latin was always terrible, but it translates to "don't let the bastards grind you down"
You're sense of humor has not been lost on me, Bruce. You've made me laugh more than a few times. And think, too.

Fall back. Regroup. Have some laughs.

And come back swinging!

Bruce -
I've enjoyed your posts and appreciate your perspective & insights. I wish you a speedy 'recovery' and a return to a good frame of mind. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers.

Take care, Mate. M2
Bruce, I am also very sorry to see you taking a hiatus, but I understand as well. I have had occasion to do the same in life from time to time.

I sometimes take comfort from the historical experiences of great people who've encountered difficulty. When I can't seem to get anyone to listen to reason and focus on reality, I often think of Winston Churchill. He spent at least a decade (as I recall) trying to convince people that the Nazi's might become a little bit of a problem. The English finally came around to his way of thinking. ;)

You've helped open my eyes to the international events which frame the disarming of many citizens in many countries. It is has been fascinating to read about Australia's progress down this road, and to follow the web links documenting some of that 'progress'. In turn, I have shown and tried to explain some of Australia's experience to my family and friends. Bruce, I am in your debt.

I sincerely hope you feel better soon, and realize that sometimes people are slow to grasp reality, and too often they push logic aside while they flow with their emotions. But, logic does have a way of reasserting itself, doesn't it? Keep the faith. ;)

If you're really down, just take the 'geologic' approach. Human beings have been on this rock for a pretty short time. From a geologic perspective, very little we do (if any) really matters in this universe. But, it is certainly more interesting to ponder philosophy and the other subjects we've discussed, eh? And, it is our honest obligation to study our world and assert what we believe are the truths to hold dear.

Bruce, come back soon ... you'll always have friends at TFL.

Regards from AZ.
Bruce, i hate to see ya' go, but i truly understand. that's one of the very reasons i go to the hills, to get away from everything and everybody. i wish luck & happiness, and look foward to your return.... longhair

what me worry?
Take care of what's needed and we'll be expecting ya back......take care of that family it is a most precious relationship...fubsy.
Even in war, R&R is expected. Without it, the fighting man gets tired. You HAVE to take time out from even this fight. The only problem is the guilt that so many of us feel when we aren't fighting. Family is first, though, and if you focus on it, all will go well.

Good luck to all of us. Good luck to Bruce.
Bruce, Take care, my friend. I consider you a friend from reading what you have posted. Rest, relax and take your time. Then come back. I'll buy the beer.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Not much I can add to what's already been said. So get your head screwed back on straight and relax awhile. You deserve it.