Say you want a 2nd Amendment rally on Long Island ?


New member
Be there or be square -- I'll be the geezer in the NRA hat -- :D

I'd prefer cocktails at one of the 9 million dollar bungalows.

Can that be arranged?

Hooray for Sarah Anker!!!!!

Did I just write that.
If you really want to get the word out, you are going to have to post this on FB and other social media sites.

Well IF FB didn't remove it in keeping with their censoring of pro gun rights posts... that'd sure get the word out to both 2A supporters and 'others'.
Might want to think that through.

Here's hoping you all enjoy a great turn out and very positive rally that gets some positive media coverage.
Might want to think that through.

I don't have to think it through. I see pro-gun, pro-2A stuff all the time on FB. In fact, I just listened to a fella addressing his city council, speaking very passionately in defense of his 2A rights.
Turkee, I got your point. FB is against us, blah, blah, blah. I see pro gun stuff on FB all the time. Why would they censor an announcement about a pro 2A rally when they haven't censored any of the other pro 2A stuff I see on FB all the time?
Turkee, I got your point. FB is against us, blah, blah, blah. I see pro gun stuff on FB all the time. Why would they censor an announcement about a pro 2A rally when they haven't censored any of the other pro 2A stuff I see on FB all the time?

Proof that you missed my point.
Facebook is loaded with our opposition to say the least.
Maybe what Paul should do is print a flyer to paste over the nice one he opened this thread with that reads something to the effect of, "Protest rally to drown out pro-gun rally with the time and date and all... could be fun.
Take a minute and consider the venue that you choose to advertise and the majority of the people that frequent that venue.
I don't worry about whether the majority on FB agrees with me on gun rights. Most of my friends on FB are pro 2A. They're the ones who would see it if I shared the flyer, and they could share it with their friends and so on. That's why I was a bit disappointed that the flyer isn't a link I could share on my page. I don't know how to post it any other way, but if anyone knows how to do that I'm willing to learn.
Maybe I'm too cynical, but my own choice not to use FB seems prudent with recent developments.

The offer stands to post on other forums with the OP's permission.
I'll be following this thread to see how it turned out. If only a handful of people show up it might do more harm than good, being demonstrated to the media and the public that the pro-2A position is only supported by a tiny minority of "gun nuts". But I certainly hope for the best. Maybe if this "march" is successful in the heart of the anti-gun stronghold in America, i.e., the Leftist dominated Northeast, then others will try the same tactic elsewhere in the nation. Not that I think the media will give any support or positive coverage no matter how well this turns out.
Sorry -- I forgot to post :o

It could have been better well organized ( if he desides to hold another - we'll help him organize better ) -- lots of other events happening today - Appleseed shoots / a big scouting jamboree and a few other events ---- if he told us about this a month before we could have included it in our news letter --- we have 700+ members so more people would have known about it --

So about 10:30 when it started -- about 50 people to start --



Not only was the Wifey there --


We were blessed with John Cushman ( holding the sign ) local NRA board member ) --


( with the screws loosening in his back - he still managed to waddle over - LOL )

I even took a selfie with the Wifey --


When we left I counted about 110 with a few more coming over --

A large amount of beeping & thumbs up --- only a few single fingers -- all in all --- not to bad --