Saw The Movie That Lost You Your Hi-Caps

Mike H

New member

By "you" I of course refer to American shooters, for those who have yet to hear of me being an Engish shooter, yes there are one or two.

Anyway, to this stupid movie and its obviously anti-gun theme. It dealt with the shooting of commuters on a packed train somewhere in NY in the early '90's. The heroine lost her husband and had her son left severely brain damaged by a crazy with a hi-cap Ruger 9mm loaded with Black Talons. She went on to sponsor the Crime Bill and became a Congress Woman (and still is I believe).

I had always wondered what led to the 10 round limit on handgun magazines and now that I know I can only laugh sarcastically.

The point made was that Mr.Crazy killed 3 people with the last 5 (out of 15) bullets from his Ruger, are we to assume that had he missed with his last 5 this whole ban would never have happened. Secondly, the Black Talon was frequently referred to as an "exploding bullet", but the best part was when they showed an actual interview with Clinton where he stated that the magazine restriction was necessary but added that the shooter had reloaded with another hi-cap mid-shooting, did he not figure out that all the guy would have to do with 10 round mags would be to reload twice instead of just once ?

Much of this is pure bile on my part because it really annoys me to see perfectly good pistols, particularly the newer 9mm's whose great advantage is, or rather was, their high ammunition capacity, being ruined by those pathetic 10 round magazines with their ridiculous plastic spacers, and yes I do buy pistols when I'm in the US so I have a vested interest in this issue. I'm sure that there have been cases since 1994 where the lack of those extra few rounds has cost a homeowner their life, when they pulled the trigger against an armed intruder only to hear a metallic click. So thankyou Mrs.Whateveryournameis, let's hope she gets thrown out of office next time round.


Mike H
A Sensible and Plain-speaking Brit


You're right. Thank God mr.crazy wasn't a better shot or we'd all be carrying three-round clips.

BTW, allow me to apologize for all the nasty things I have said in the past and will undoubtedly say in the future about the Brits. I assure you they are not meant to be applied to you or Brits who share your views on liberty.


Mike Ledbetter
i don't remember hearing about this before. as i understand it we all have Bill Ruger to thank for our magazine restrictions. Bill Ruger suggested that we have a limitation on magazine capability but he suggested 15 rounds. somewhere along the line on its way thru legislation it got bumped down to 10 rounds. thats why i won't ever buy a Ruger firearm.
And the irony is that out of the ten round mag limit sprouted a whole new type of handgun on the American market, the great array of compact pistols today that we have for CCW ;) (Much to the freaks dismay)
The Long Island Railroad incident. Congresscritter Carolyn McCarthy(?) ran for office based soley on her husband getting killed during that incident.

It was later made into a TV movie produced by Barbra Streisand (Got your bags packed yet, Babs?) and intended to press the hell out of all the anti-self-defense buttons.
The opening night of the movie was heralded by the news networks orgamsically claiming "thousands of protestors" assembled to demand limits on RKBA. Later it was quietly noted that the "thousands of protestors" actually came out to about 20 or so.

The Gonad-in-Chief and Senatrix-to-be publicly praised Carolyn for her selfless trampling of our Rights "for the children".

Hey guys, don't leave out the fact that "crazy man Fergie" travelled to California, where he passed the background checks and endured the "cooling off" period to get his weapon. He then travelled to NYC to do the shooting. He proved single-handedly that most gun control laws don't work, so they had to take another approach and attacked magazine capacities.
Yep, he bought the pistol at the Turner's Outdoorsman in Signal Hill (neighboring Long Beach), CA.

That really wasn't the "reason" for banning stardard capacity magazines. It was more like the excuse.
It's too bad the decent people on the train weren't allowed to defend themselves. I think it is Lott who has shown that mass public shootings of this sort are more likely to happen in states that do not allow CCW.
The really amazing thing is that after thousands of years of so called civilisation, legislators are still under the misconception that the presence of legislation will somehow affect the behaviour of the criminal element.

How can anybody over the age of about six believe that a ten round magazine limit law will have any affect whatsoever on someone who intends to commit a crime with a gun? Are your American criminals so law abiding that they would make sure that their magazines are legal before committing a crime?

What happens if someone is caught committing a crime, using a gun with an illegal high capacity magazine? Are they charged with carrying an extra round in their pistol, as well as being charged with murder, robbery or whatever? Really??!

Someone somewhere has to wake up to the obvious fact that legislation can only affect law abiding citizens, because law abiding citizens are the only ones who will obey.
I recall reading somewhere that Collin Fergeson (sp?) specifically chose a New York City Subway train because of the ban on concealed carry there.

Gee, I wonder why none of the politicians thought of that when they enacted the ban...

Take care. Marko
HS2000, Colin Ferguson's rampage took place on a Long Island Rail Road train, not the NYC subway. He waited until the train crossed the NYC border in Queens and entered Nassau County before he started shooting, claiming something about not wanting to tie the shooting to then-mayor David Dinkins. [Dinkins is African-American, and part of Ferguson's defense was "Black rage." (Don't ask.)]

Undoubtedly the real reason Ferguson chose his venue was that he knew that NYS handgun licenses issued outside of NYC are not valid in the city, and that even those Long Islanders with carry licenses could not carry into NYC under the terms of their licenses. He also chose an LIRR branch serving areas that do not have high concentrations of NYPD officers travelling to/from work, who are sure to be armed.

I suspect he also avoided the subway for fear of being shot or sliced to pieces by the other riders.